Chapter 6

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I woke up when I saw I was home. Who helped me last night? I tried my best to get up but I can't.

"Mom!" I scream, and then mom came.

"Why? I s there's something wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing, can I ask how did I get home last night?" I asked with confusion.

"A boy named RB brings you home last night. He said you breakdown because of crying so hard." Mom said.

"Oh. Did you get his number?" I asked.

"No, isn't he a friend of yours?" mom told me with confused look.

"No, he's not! I don't even know him."

"Oh-kay. Maybe he's an admirer of yours. Kidding aside, I'll just leave you okay? I have something to do down stairs. Just call me if you need something." Mom said and then leaves.

RB, who are you? Why did you know almost everything about me? Ugh. My mind is full of things I really can't handle anymore. Last night, I just spilled my heart out to someone who gives me the slightest bit of attention. Silly me, thinking Gab actually cares.

I get up and tried to fixed myself. I am going to school as if nothing happened last night. I can do this. "You can do this, you're Samantha Fontanilla remember?" I said to myself.

I went first to the locker not because I have things to get but to check if there are paper hearts there. I need something to hold on to. I opened my locker and saw a paper heart and a small bear. I opened the paper heart and read it.

Good morning, Samantha Fontanilla! 

I helped you last night because you just break down. I hope you're relieved a bit, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself to you. By the way, I have something to tell you. You're so beautiful just the way you are, please, pretty please, don't waste your time on someone who doesn't know your worth. Didn't they know you are the best thing a boy can have? Damn all of them for not knowing it.

"When everything just turned upside down, don't forget there are so many thing to live for. Just hold on." 

RB : )

RB never fails to make me smile.

After that the professors announced there are no classes the whole day that's why I went to the music room to free myself on some things. I get the guitar placed on the corner of the room, and sat on the center. I started strumming and sings wait for you by Elliot Yamin.

I never felt nothing in the world like this before.

Now, I'm missing you and I'm wishing you

Would come back through my door?

Why did you have to go?

You could have let me know

So now I'm alone.

This is the first time I felt something like this. The first time my hearts beats for another person. The first time I fell in love, the first time I said those three words. My sacrifices, it was all worth it.

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