Chapter 5

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Samantha's Point of View

Months have passed; Me and Gab became really comfortable on each other. The feeling is mutual? Yes it is. He started courting me. He also explained why there are so many photos of me on his flash drive; and it is because he likes me. At first I'm just stuck there standing then I just realize I was saying the same thing for him.

My life is currently at flux. Like what many said, the only permanent thing in the world is change and I'm one of those who experienced it. The feeling of being in love and being loved, it surprisingly came into my life.

The next day I just feel my heart beats so fast every time I see him, every time I'm with him, every time he stares at me , every time he tells me he's always there for me. Every time he promises me he will love me forever. Every second, ever minute, every hour and every day I always find him attractive and so sincere in everything he said and that's basically everything I loved about him.

Falling in love with someone's flaws, I know it's dangerous but I will take the risk for him, for us and for our love.

I went to the locker room to get some of my things for our next subject. I opened it but something fell, it's a crumpled paper heart. I feel so curious that's why, I opened it.

Every time I hear your angelic voice, shivers run down my spine, it's when I hear it I can't remove it on my mind. I know you're so confused to what I am saying; I just really can't stop thinking of you. I'm not fond of doing things like this, giving love letters, telling someone what I feel and I found it so corny that while I'm writing this, I want to change my beliefs into something I don't know. So this ends here, I hope you're okay.

Have a nice day love!

RB :)

RB? Who the hell is RB? Why did he send me these paper hearts? Why is he complimenting me? Wait, there's no name on it so maybe he sends this paper heart to the wrong locker. Well, I don't know and I don't care. I was supposed to throw the paper heart until I knew that I was putting it on my bag because his efforts were enough, good enough for me to actually keep it.

I was about to leave for my next class when I notice someone talking. I know eavesdropping is bad but I can't help it.

"Good Job bro!" said by the unknown guy.

"I told you guys, I can do it." Said the other guy.

His voice sounds familiar. So I try to find where the voice came from.

"You just need to be patient to get Sam." The familiar voice added.

Sam? Is it me? No it couldn't be me, there is so many human nature whose name is Sam.

But also because of curiosity, I lean forward to see who said it, and I was shocked when I found out that it's Gab who said it. I was left there standing like a statue. I don't know how to react. I feel a mixed of emotions. Rage, Anger, Hatred, Sadness. I trusted him but at the long run he is just playing with me. Or maybe I was just wrong, maybe he's just saying that because he loves me. Yes, because he loves me. I'm not supposed to think negative things, I know he really loves me, I can see it in his eyes every time he tells me that. But in spite of what I heard I still love him, I really do.

And suddenly I felt tears running down my face. I wipe my cheeks, and I started to walk like there's nothing happened.

I chose to go home instead of attending the class. I feel so depressed. I should confront him. I went straight to my room and lay down on my bed and started thinking what happened earlier. I didn't expect all the things happened earlier. I just cry the whole night, my thoughts starts to devour me and I know Gab's not there to hush them.

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