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Chapter Three

"Are you kidding me Kam! You think it's my fault!?" A voice yelled from outside the window which caused me to stir awake from my peaceful slumber.

I rubbed my eyes as I walked over to the window and peered out of it.

Outside two teenagers stood arguing on the sidewalk. I was on the second floor and could see them arguing from where I was. I watched them with curiosity and wondered what they were arguing about.

"Your the one who started this whole problem Az! If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this mess!" The boy fired back at the girl. They both appeared to be about sixteen and seemed to be in a heated argument.

"Says the one who messed this whole problem up! You had to sleep with him, didn't you?" The boy fired back. The girl rolled her eyes.

The girl rolled her eyes before storming off.

I wonder what their deal is?

I put on a old shirt of mine and some shorts along with my converse. I grabbed my brush and brushed the thing I called my hair.

Satisfied, I put on a small headband to keep the hair out of my face.

Today was another day I was determined to find out more about their murder. Ever passing minute, and I grew more anxious to learn what happen the night they died.

I walked out of the room and down the stairs. I was going-

Wait, I didn't know where to go.

Oh great, another dead end Avia! Just when you thought you had it all figured out! Now you-

"Hey girl with the creepy book!" A voice boomed from in back of me that made me jump. Grayson popped out of nowhere as he smiled at me.

"What do you want Grayson?" I questioned him. I wasn't in the mood to be called creepy book girl or other ridiculous names he could think of. He was distracting me from my task.

"I'm bored, and I thought why don't I find out what the girl with no name is doing?" He said to me. I rolled my eyes as I faced him. I wanted to tell him to back off, but I'm not that rude.

But then again, you did kinda walk away from him that day Avia!

"I'm uh- trying to solve something," I told him. I started to walk away but he blocked my way. I gave him a annoyed look as I crossed my arms.

"Why do you care about me anyways? I'm a loner here with no friends. Most of the people here despise me and hate me than want to be my friend!" I exclaimed to him. His eyes changed from playful to surprised, but quickly covered it up.

"What if I want to be your friend?" He asked me. I was taken aback my his response.

My first friend here?

I considered this as a possibility. At first when I came here, I was depressed and alone. Some girl had tried to be my friend and I believed her which caused me to tell her my story and she promised not to tell anyone.

The next day- she told her stupid friends my whole story. They laughed at me and teased me for a month, until most of them got adopted or kicked out.

From then on, I learned not to trust anyone anymore.

No one is who they say they are.

"I'm not good at the whole friend thing. Look, I really need to go somewhere so if you could just get out of my way-" I spoke as I tried to push his arm away but it remained there. He held a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"I'll make you a deal. If I help you with your thing- whatever your trying to find, then you can become my friend." He exclaimed to me. Somewhere in his tone, I sensed a hint of loneliness and desperation.

I could tell he needed someone.

I sighed as I rubbed my temple. This is the first time I had trusted someone in months, and I didn't know if I was ready. But then again, I needed answers and I didn't know where to start.

Maybe he would know how to help me? Or would he just lie to me and tell everyone my secret like that girl did a few months back?

"I know your struggling with something because it's written all over your face, and your thinking about if you should trust me or not." He said in a small voice. My eyes widened at surprise at what he just said.

"H-how do you know that?" I asked him.

"I-it's alright if you don't want to become friends with me, I get it. I shouldn't of asked-"

"I'll be your friend, alright? Stop guilt tripping me." I said to him. His face went from defeated to happy once again. His eyes held happiness in them. I guess he was used to being rejected like I was.

"I have my first friend here! Yay!" He exclaimed as he jumped around like a child. People gave us weird stares, but I let out a genuine laugh.

That's the first time I had laughed in months.

"Dude, chill. It's not that big of a deal," I said causally. But in reality, it was a big deal for the both of us. For me, because I might be able to trust him.


"So what's your name? If were friends, I can't keep calling you the girl with the creepy book," He spoke. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit his shoulder.

"It's Avia. There, you finally know my name!" I said, sarcastically.

"That's a unique name, I like people with unique names. Someday, when I have a family, I'm going to name my kids cool names like yours!" He told me as I smiled.

Someone else used to say that, they liked cool and unique names.

And then it hit me:

My dad

My smile turned into a saddened look. Grayson must of noticed my change in appearance because his face changed as well.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you upset," He apologized to me.

"We all have our secrets," I said to him as he nodded his head in agreement.


Grayson and Avia are finally friends!

*inner conscious*- or maybe more 😏

But besides that, do you think he knows how to help Avia with her dilemma?

Comment your opinions in the comments everyone

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