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Chapter Six

The two of us walked back to the orphanage in silence. Grayson was hiding the laptop under a sweater he had brought, even though it was hot outside.

As we came in, the both of us went our separate directions. Grayson had said he would hide the laptop good.

As I went upstairs, I bumped into Lucia. She was holding something but quickly covered it up. It was probably one of her stupid clothes.

"Are you fucking serious!? I told you, don't touch me again!" She exclaimed, pushing me as I stumbled, but didn't fall. She scoffed and went her separate ways as I walked to the girls room.

I went over to my bed and sat on it.

From under the bed, I pulled out my backpack, which held some clothing and other personal stuff.

Since I was told I couldn't bring much because they needed it for 'evidence', I could only take a few things. Sadly, I had to leave most of my possessions to my sister, but I knew she would care for them.

I reached in my bag to find what I was looking for.

Once I felt it, I pulled it out.

It was my old American girl doll, specifically moms. I had given all of my other toys for Emmi to care of, and wanted to remember a side of mom I wished to never forget. I had brought one extra outfit and one extra pair of shoes for the doll. I didn't play with her that much anymore, and I haven't taken her out since I got here.

I looked at the dolls hair and sighed, mom wouldn't want the doll to have messy hair.

I grabbed my only brush and started to brush the dolls hair.

Once she was neat, I smiled and kissed her head before putting her back in the bag.

Oh how I missed playing American girl dolls with mom and Emmi.

I decided to go see what Grayson was doing. I made sure to put my bag under my bed before I got up. I walked out of the girls room and saw some kids playing and running around.

Smiling and shaking my head, I entered into the boys room.

"Grayson, are you here?" I asked, but my eyes widened at what I saw.

Grayson stood holding my book while Lucia was in front of him. On the ground, was the broken laptop, but that's not what surprised me.

Once she turned around, my eyes widened.

Lucia had a knife in her hand, and she was pointing it at me.


Oh my Lucia!

Im sorry, I'm corny today. And I failed my test so that's good!

What a good life I have.....

Please vote and bye! 💓💓

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