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Chapter Eight

My fingers gripped onto my sweater as the three of us walked through the streets of Florida. Even though it got really warm in the daytime, the nights could sometimes be cold. Lucia was taking me to see my mom, and I was very anxious.

We had snuck out from the orphanage, not like anyone would notice. Grayson had volunteered to tag along, he said he wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen to me. Lucia allowed him but gave him specific instructions to the both of us to listen to her.

Cars and trucks rushed past us, creating a small breeze. As I watched everything go on, many emotions and thoughts ran though my head. How would mom be? Alive? Barely alive? Was Lucia really telling me the truth.

My anxiety started to kick in as my breathing became loud. Grayson looked at me with concerned eyes while I attempted not to have a panic attack in front of everyone. Everything seemed to blur up in front of me.

"Hey, calm down. It's going to be alright." He reassured me, grabbing my hand tightly. He gave it a squeeze as my breathing became normal and everything went back to what it used to be.

"Thanks Grayson." I told him, trying to smile and pretend like everything was alright. He continued to hold my hand as the two of us followed Lucia across the street.

She lead us into a part of town where the houses started to get bigger and bigger. Pretty soon, she turned a corner and continued to walk before stopping at a very large house, larger than what I was used to.

The house looked like any ordinary house; windows in the front, plants on the sides, the grass neatly trimmed. The house didn't stick or stand out but I was given the impression it was well taken care of.

"This is it," Lucia told me, as I looked out the house.

This is where I would get answers

All of a sudden, everything hit me. The pain, the nerves, the guilt, the feeling of being afraid and also being happy because I would see mom again. Hopefully, I would.

"Ready?" Grayson questioned me.

"No, but I want to see my mom, so I'm ready." I stated. Grayson was still holding onto my hand, and I could feel relaxed a little bit. Everything I was doing right now felt wrong, but screw all the rules. Lucia snapped her fingers and we looked at her. She was standing at the doorstep with a serious look on her face, motioning for us to come to where she was. The two of us followed her as she rang the bell three times.

"Now do as I say, and stay quiet. He usually doesn't have guests." Lucia warned us, as I let Grayson's hand go. The door didn't have any windows on it, so we couldn't see what was going on.

All of a sudden, we heard shuffling and footsteps, as if someone was walking towards the direction of the door. The door swung open and we were met with the face of a woman who appeared to be in her thirties.

"Lucia, what is this?" She hissed, narrowing her eyes at us.

"It's her Poppy, it's Avia," Lucia told her and at once, her eyes widened as she pulled us into the house and locked the door. I looked around the house, which seemed to be in order and presentable.

"Wait here," She ordered as us, taking Lucia into another room. They started to talk in low whispers, not wanting us to hear what they were saying. It appeared that they were arguing, but that's just my opinion.

Grayson and I just stood there, not knowing what to say. My journal almost fell out of my sweater, but I adjusted the book so it wouldn't fall out.

Minutes passed and the two still seemed to be arguing in loud whispers.

"Well, what do we have here?" A voice boomed, as our heads snapped towards the voice.

To our right, a man was coming down the stairs, with a big smile on his face. He was wearing causal clothes, and had a wide smile on his face. His smile to me was warm and welcoming, and he looked like a man who was very social.

At that same time, the lady and Lucia came out of the room. Both of their faces went pale as they looked at the man who gave them a large smile, before turning to us.

To be continued



One hint: things aren't going to be what you expect. I will leave you all to wonder about that :)

This chapter is not edited. Also, I decided there definitely will be a sequel to this book!

Bye everyone 💓💓

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