Reading Between The Lyrics - Chp 9 {Good Luck To The Perfect Fool}

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'Play it loud, play it high because I’ve got your message loud and clear. If you could be anyone else would you be anywhere else? Absence you say is the best remedy, the proof for the fool. You’ve got one hand up saying go, the other down telling me no. So what is it? You’re screaming to me through your perfect life, telling me your cowardly truth. You wouldn’t be anywhere else or with anyone else, because after all, you’re too perfect, yeah? After all good luck to the perfect fool.' – Riley May – Good Luck To The Perfect Fool

Everyone has their own biggest flaw, something about them that holds them back, some negative characteristic – other than an appearance flaw – and it makes life difficult for them and challenging.

Everybody has a story, and apparently no individual is meant to have an easy life, apparently no one is meant to know and understand the definition of perfection. As the saying goes, nothing is ever perfect. It astounds me so that the word perfect can still be found in the dictionary or can still be used to describe someone. In conclusion everyone has their sappy story, their little dark part of their life that sets them back, leaves them with some set back that will influence their future actions and decisions.

For those that are less lucky don’t have a dark part of their in particular but their entire life is dark and full of an abyss. What astounds me is that it is usually those people that have the worse luck possible that are the most genuine and sweetest people, and yet everyday they still don’t scream at the sky with that one word that we all know; why. Since the beginning of time, the child’s first word they find meaning of and use constantly is why. Why that works, why do you do that, why aren’t we going now, why is the sky blue, why, why, why.

Yet at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if only one year of your life or your entire life was full of darkness, that eerie, daunting darkness will influence the rest of your life and even your past regrets. It is that darkest hour that will create that one flaw, that one setback that holds you back from striving for all. It doesn’t matter if that one dark area was as small and minor as finding your husband or boyfriend is cheating on, because at the end of the day you’re going to be haunted with trust issues with males for the rest of life. However such greater things could be the reason behind your future flaws, such drastic things as abuse – sexual, mentally, or even physically – or death, no matter what the issue is, there’s always going to be one major thing that’s going to hold you back. there’s always going to be a voice in your head that’s not cheering you on and agreeing but it’s going to be full of maybe’s and but’s, and the deadly what if’s.

My one flaw is my mother.

That one characteristic flaw has been me since I can remember, since my mother abandoned me with my father without a trace or word, without a whisper. I can barely remember my early years of life, I can remember vague memories yet the more I force myself to the less I can grasp. Nevertheless growing up not knowing what happened to your mother and living without one leaves you with scars.

The simple things I missed out on such as waking up to your mum cutting your toast and gushing over your first date and taking you shopping leaves marks. Right down to the greater impacts of having no mother such as having to speak about female functions with a random stranger, or learning about it the hard way when you find your jeans stained with your own blood on a school excursion at a young age. Those things stick with you and haunt you; you feel left out especially when you witness those around you covered with affection and love from their mothers, the motherly support.

They say since the day of evolution, of the creation of humans of god – no matter what you believe – a child craves the attention, love and blessing of their mother. It is the mother that is harbored and creator for their tenderness, their love and their utter devotion and fierce protectiveness of their child. No matter what a father can never fill the shoes of a mother, no matter how hard they try.

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