Blast from the past

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Last time on.....

         THE GHOST

Hello Zootopians I'm Felicia Mars your news anchor and feild reporter and I'm here with famed scientist and infamous genius behind the fasen blast DR.JASON "WOLF" WOLFGANG mr.Wolfgang what will you do about the now named powers that your fasen blast has loose on the city?" Questions a young up and coming reporter Vera Mars to one dr.Jason Wolfgang

Nick and Judy head up the new zpd division

Powers division

Angel was fixed and more

Versa the ghost died

Black hood vanishes thought dead

Dr.Jason wolf famed scientist creator if the field which study's the element fasen a new found element found by the good doctor safer then nucular and more powerful then dark matter

And then...

His new fasen reactor went..code red and realized a blast of energy that changed many Zootopians DNA and creating powers a term describing Zootopians newly impowered with super abilities

Day of The fasen reactor disaster(no rhyme ment) 5 months ago...

"Doctor something's wring with the reactor it's overloading!!!!" Yells a lab tech/engineer he runs down to the reactor but doesn't get 5 steps in before it happens the reactor explodes the guy was disintegrated but as the blast moved it hit a running Jason as he slipped and it got his eyes first blinding him he could see lights and people looked like shadows but otherwise blind

Over 149 zootopias where changed that they know of ranging from controlling gravity to fire and even flying lighting water ice

Some could bend light control minds kill by touch
Tho none had more then in power

But there where a few they called them cyphers who could use more then a few powers even going as far as to being able to syphon powers from others and copy them

But there was a problem

Over the 5 months a message has appeared "fear is the down fall, the night is all seeing, with the prowlers I'll rise"

And a dead prey with a feral predator found at ever scene most of predators "awaken" from there trance like state and knew the prey it was Apparent that the power who dies this targets prey and predatory couples girlfreind boyfreibd wife husband mother child doesn't matter if there not the same ie prey with prey predator with predator they seem to earn his wrath they dumbed him "night howler" cause of the night howlers that where used as paste to write the messages and the way the feral looks and acts

The dr had no friends colleges workers or well anyone he became a villain for his reactor but even so he's a good person and he try's to continue his work creating dampener weapons

Cell dampeners and so on so that the zpd could combat his mistakes or at the least the bad ones tho they didn't want his help that is till 4 months and a few days before the present

Nick and Judy where appointed co-heads of zpd a new powers division after the bad guys became less normal and more officers started being killed by being set on fire and frozen oh and smushed cause there body's where changed so they got pulled into themselves, bloody mess that was

And not the British term no I mean like he splattered like a cartoon anvil drop type splat

Granted a few "newbies in spandex(not really spandex lol)" had appeared

Fear- a white hood and robbed flying power who wears a skull mask having the power to induce fear in the most tuff of people and on

Even making them break in the mind by showing overly done fears ie boraphobia(I think) the fear of heights being shown to a person by making them think there on a piller 100000000000000 feet up

Fear is a she and has helped the zpd with many powers mostly in interrogation and catching them mostly the first

Elemental- tho a bit eccentric he is in control of the elements including other things like branches of the element ice lava etc

Finally there's

Seer- responsible for being the first to help the zpd and able to as the name implies see the future or at least things like a date what power it's gonna be likely it's a three chance since she can only see a abc choice of powers

And in a chance that it's a cypher she can tell how to make it "easier" sadly tho she can't fight she does hover she's technically paralyzed from the waste below

The only other "hero" is a unseen unheard almost non-existent person

Dubbed shadow from what people have gathered he or she or what ever it is can control maybe even interact with darkness and bend light at will and even control people so they forget they saw him spoke to him or heard him granted like I said what he is no one knows but they think it's a male at least those who can remember long enough

It wasn't long befire the good doctor was approached by nick and Judy bright eyes and busy tail...

They didn't think if him as a evil but as a man who lost all but his life for what he does in the scientific pursuit granted Judy is ibfact a fan and big nerd...."secretly" so she could think it if he did do something nick although he acted cool was or has always had feelings in his guy around or seeing him but even more meeting him he know something wasn't right but he smiles and shook hands

It was no long after he was first asked to join the division in it's start the good doc wouldn't give a answer

The following month was interesting

Nick apparently had been dating Judy and proposed to her that's right and she said yes!!!! Soon the whole of Zootopia was a buzz

Of course mr.big, his daughter and her daughter 5 years old now insisted they pay for the wedding but Judy got them to agree to help but only so much

Nick having no family left him to worry about what his best man Finnick and the only guys that like him Bogo and Clawhouser Lionheart too where planing to do to him for a bachelor party cause the combo of guys is something never seen before ha hell the last time the four where in the same room finnick was being made to pay tickets and lion heart had given Judy a award Bogo and Clawhouser where eating donuts and quietly talking about gazelle

But never worked together all at once so nick was utterly terrified

Five days later the date was set in the time span of 2 months and 1/4th of a month.....


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