Do we part... Part 2

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First I should explain the pic above well that's a young version of one of the characters you'll meet later in this chapter I won't give much away but he's not Jason nor angel clearly

And that whistle from last episode is iconic to the character: the vow

And the movie was
the traveler

If you want to know :)


It was late at night not five minutes before the events of part one had unfolded when a sleepy Judy and nick are woken by a phone nick answers it

"Yeah...." He says groggily

"Sir this is private Cornwall" says a wolf

"Bogo said that this couldn't what" the wolf continues

"What is it?" Nick says now listening

To clarify why he does not make a joke or tease Bogo and nick are at this time freinds in fact Bogo saved nicks life from a power once and ever since nick has always listened to Bogo if he says it's urgent

He places the phone speaker Judy listening aswell

It's him the vow Bogo said you would rem-"

"I do that monster he's back? But I shot him multiple time in the face" nick says disturbed to his very soul

Flash back

2005 the 10th case that the dynamic duo worked on far before the blast that brought powers

Case of the black mass-I've pile of body's

During the year of 2005 the shining city of Zootopia saw it's first tragity

The first serial killer nick named the vow, he has already taken 10000 lives all the same as in part one tho as this kind of killer usually there mo is targeted

He has no specifications

Blood drained bloody chalice smashed the haunting whistle the skinned corpses dismembered as placed

The words in blood

He touched everything yet he never was identified every finger print was a a match for every victim and before he killed the first time he killed and left random finger prints all different...

But his victims are never the same

men women children

Female male intersex

Gay bi straight asexual

1-100 years in age

Every species

Predator or Prey

Didn't matter he had no taste only the set up was the same

The ZIBI(Zootopian investigative bureau and intelligence) was the first try but so many agents died that they deemed it too risky to continue the hunt

Then CIZI(criminal investigative Zootopian initiative)
Tried and now no ones left

Then it fell to Bogo

Years later it fell to Nick and Judy after all the vow challenged Nick, Judy and Bogo to play his twisted game

This was the fourth day of July 2005 it was the scene of the 10000th kill and panic was rising no one could explain how he got his victims and more

They had tracked him down with and black hoods help tho this would be the last time anyone would see him alive

Location crime scene of next kill in progress the door busted open and the guns fired swords clashed

As the dust settled a scared claw houser in harmed mostly was tied to a old chair the hood and the vow missing but presumed dead and the case closed tho Clawhouser stayed in therapy for his extreme PTSD till 10-11 years later

And it was over....

Flashback ends

Nick arrived at the scene "god the smell" he remarks stepping in the barn every detail correct even the abuse which was never realsed to public was right

"He challenges ghost & hood"

Bogo says angry and yet still trying to gain his nerve

"Then I guess we better find them..." Nick sighs and walks off not barring the site

24hrs later wolf manor

"Looks Jason I don't get it how can you have powers and not have gained them from the blast?" Inquires angel

"No idea but I and few others where born like this" says Jason for the tenth time tho he lied he knew how but can't tell anyone not wishes to know

The phone rings a phone that was used to call the ghost "hello" says Jason voice disguised

"He's back" says Bogo

"No....not him..." Says Jason  terror lighting his face angel knowing what followed would be not good "the vow has challenge you and the ghost BH we need you" says Bogo and hangs up

ten miles away in senator Corvus's house

The whistling is heard as you see the hooded vow he pulls back the hood placing it on the stand in front if him mask covering his face he speaks looking at a photo

"Soon my dear daughter and dear brother we shall *takes off voice distorting mask* play our game..." He says reviling his Corvus angels father and Jason's brother

Dun dun duh

Twisty lol ok hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading hit the star if you like and comment ask stuff I love peoples feed back

See you next time

Hiatus over but I'll be posting every week or try to so be on the look out

Wolfsburg out peace not war!!!!

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