Misdaventure of felicia mars

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Misadventure of Felicia Mars is not a part of the story seprate so its good to read this lol

Anyway enjoy
First part told in the style that is the point of view Felicia Mars

It was a sunny day in Zootopia as I stalked up the steps of the recently ruined manor belonging to the two recently unmasked heroes Jason Wolfgang the black hood and the ghost aka thought deceased officer angel Corvus when I got to what was left of the door I saw the two trying to salvage the damaged stuff if anything could be saved I knocked on the frame

"Hello you too" I say cheery

"Ah ms mars your hear finally..." He was about to say more when a lot of yells and more came coming the way I was they were Jason stood In front of me as did angel but it wasn't me who should've worried

A mob of Zootopians ran up surrounding the manor "Wolfgang you'll pay" snarls a black furred panther
"Yeah your gonna pay for all you've done" a alligator snaps at Jason a brick smashes against him I know he could have blocked it no he could have caught it deflected something but he let it hit his face his jaw

The police showed I thought....but then

"My children the day has come to vanquish the unclean from our city" a preacher clergy looking guy older fur grayed clearly seen the handy works of fire and a wolf piercing blue eyes a bit as he steps out of his police escorts car a few armored power division cops in full riot gear stood with him I felt my stomach turn something bad was going to happen....

I got out my cam and recorded "my name is Felicia Mars and I'm recording this live from the Wolfgang manor" I said and pointed it from me to the group and the duo

Meanwhile five miles away walking in a park together

Max's pov(point of view)

"Corbin I have a bad filling something's-" max attempted to warm his protector as powers division opened fire shooting max and Corbin mainly max as he was easy prey (irony)

Corbin was about to attack then when he felt the darting affects him and max slumped to the ground and were loaded into dampened trucks

Ten blocks south

Samuels pov

The vow watched from a high roof

"Uh oh this is not good who could know who can know why would oh no oh no not-" he passes out a dart to the back as he is loaded up

Back at the manor

Felicia's pov

"Wait dad?!" Says Jason to the wolf before they open fire the police didn't care when they hit civilians nor me

Jason protected the mob and me first angel used super speed to get us all out of firing line in a nano second

From the distance all I saw was Jason

He fought so hard I caught it all

He decked the first guy then did some kinda judo magic thingy that sent the next flying with a blast that knocked all the others back but more came and soon he was piled upon more then fifty cops just to keep him down a extra fifty to keep him still he was beat electric damping batons not standard they beat him his screams the pain must have been worse then anything angel was about to try to help I thought I should do something so I told her quietly "go run angel Corvus stay free find out what the heck a going on!!.." I whispered in a loudish tone she nods and runs off at light speed

12 hours 40 mins and 29 secounds later live tv news

"My name is Felicia Mars welcome to this news report it seems powers division has defiantly cracked down as seen here they opened fire apon powers I highly populated places or in this case here places where even I was in the firing line but reports of other captures are coming in

Why have they done this are nick and Judy losing there heads

What will happen to the powers

What's with the wolf calling himself "father Malcolm Heart"

We will update you when more comes in this is yiur live news report stay tuned..."

20 hrs 11 mins before all this

"Bogo what do you mean where fired your fired Clawhousers fired!!!" Shouts a pissed Judy

"Now Judy calm down and listen" starts Bogo "it seems the bureau of supers and tactics division headed by the best ever one father Malcolm is taking over and the whole police force every single person is being replaced there gonna take every single power down even the good" he sighs and rubs his head in his hands and continues "it's all very shady trust me when I say we don't want to be apart of it" he then gets up and walks his way home

Then does nick and Judy saddened


12 am

"Jason hold on in coming all of yiu all I get you out eventually I swear" the white blue says as it stops to put on the costume he gave with a new mask he made her that glows white instead of blue she was now her own a new ghost for real as she lays her hood atop her head she takes off sword in sheath gadgets in place to a safe house unknown...

To be continued...

(Imagine this after credits)-

In black crater the powers prison...

"AHHHHH!!!!" Screams Jason as he suffers the fifth session of torture by electric volts

In the next room the sound proofing keeping any except those they want to from hearing is Corbin being beaten and cut shot in spots that do less damage as max is forced to watch "stop please just stop don't hurt him!!!!!" Wails max

The next room

"Weeeeeeeeeee let's do it again" laughs Sammy as he's impaled with all kinds of metal poles and is killed over and over "what you thought I'd be say something like 'oh please no no why oh-'" he smirks saying this in a mocking tone "shut up freak" says a torture smacking Sammy hard enough to topple him

This is there fate lab rats, interrogation, just plain practice dummies for the new recruits and more nothing good it was a hell no one deserves even Sam

In the mayors office "ah mayor lion heart your not needed anymore leave more you'll be forced out" threatens father Malcolm

"How dar-" he can't finish as he's thrown out a second story window "let's see if you can fly!" Says father map commas he's thrown "ooooh nope to bad clean him off the pavement fellas what still alive fine get him to the emergency room" says Malcolm rolling his eyes sitting in the mayors big chair "soon we can begin phase 2 of the plan but we need to break my sons first" it's now that he laughs the officers all of them masked appear and are asorbed into him "after all I am legion" he says winking at the reader


Wow lots of stuff happened well if you read my chapters before this one with out skipping the Sammy and Jason one yiu know there dad is dead

Isn't he?.....

Find out that and more on the next episode of the ghost

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