Chapter 10: Trey R. Leon

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Star's POV
Tonight for our mission, well, mostly my mission, I need to confront Trey R. Leon, or as you may know, my father. Agent Jean wants to know why he has switched teams, finally.

I'm excited but also nervous about this. It'll be my first time in 15 years, finally able to confront my father.

"Right there." Darold says as he points out where my father was. It was my first time finally seeing him again as well. That's how he looks like. I thought to myself.

"Okay, I'm going in." I decided after a few seconds. "Do you want us to go with you?" Umi asks. "No, no, I have to do this alone." I shook my head. After taking a deep breath, I flew to that building, on the balcony and knocked on the window three times.

A few seconds later, the window opened with a gun pointing to my head. Without flinching, I saw that it was my father.

"Who are you?" He asks with a firm serious voice.

But instead of answering his question, I only stared at him in shock knowing that my father is right here in front of me. I didn't even cared about the gun pointing to my head. His eyes were light brown, just like me, his hair, black, almost brown, just like me, and his skin, a fine tan colored, just like me.

When I didn't answered him, father gripped his hand more firm on the gun.

"I said, who are you?" He asks suspiciously.

I was surprised he didn't recognized me, not that much since we haven't seen each other but still. " I look familiar?" I asked slowly. Father stared at me with a confused look. His eyes gazed up and down, taking a good look at me then, as if he realized something, dad slowly puts his gun down.

"...Star..." He whispers.

There was a long pause and the first one to break the silence was him. "Why are you here?" He asks not letting his guard off. "I...why would you ask me that? I'm your daughter, why can't I?" I challenged him. He sighs and walked inside, gesturing me to as well.

We sat down on his luxurious sofa, he sat across from me. "You've grown, last time I saw you, you were just a little kid."

"Dad...what happened...?" I slowly questioned. Dad pauses but continued on again. "Things happened okay? It's something that you won't understand."

"Stop, I hate it when people say that. I asked mom, she always averted the question, I asked uncle, he told me that I would never understand, I asked literally everyone who would know what happened and every one of them told me that I would never understand or they would just avoid the question. If you won't tell me, of course I wouldn't understand." I snapped.

"I'm sorry." Dad sighs. Taking a deep breath, I managed to calm down. "Why did you leave the team?" I asked. "You're a spy now?" He asks raising a brow. "Good for you." He smiles but only for two seconds. "I left because of problems, if I stayed, it would cause problems with your mom and you. It wasn't as if I wanted to leave, I did it for the best, now I'm on a different team because I never plan on quitting as a spy until I'm old enough." Dad explains firmly.

"You left, for the good for me...?"

He nods. I felt my eyes started to sting. "I've always...wanted to meet, my father...I've always wondered, what were you like and all. Why did you two divorced?"

"Everything I did was for you and your mother. My parents never excepted your mom because of her lowly ranges. Your mom was poor, and we were rich. My mom seemed a little understanding but my father never wanted to accept your mom. When you were born, my father found out and well, let's just say he wanted to make you suffer. I never liked my father because of the way he acted, just caring about money, nothing else. So I knew that it would be hard on you and your mother, so I decided to divorce."

"Mom understood right?"

Dad shook his head. "I never told her the real reason, I told her that I was over her and that I will never marry someone so poor again. Your mother was devastated, I wanted to kill myself for saying that, I hated and regretted myself for saying that to her."

I was shocked by the reason, that tears started forming. "Dad..."

"H-how is she?" He asks. I couldn't possibly tell him about the cancer part right? "She...sometimes I would see mom crying to herself, calling out your name...Mom loved broke her."

"I know..." He says, but does he really? "No, you don't, you need to apologize to her. Explain to her everything. You don't need to get back but at least let her understand." I told him with a firm voice. I was holding my tears in as well.

"...You should leave, this isn't a place for you." Dad says as he starts getting up. "What?" I followed him. "Dad, you can't run away forever."

"I know..."

"Do you have any idea how much we're suffering right now? You don't right? Dad...I beg of you, tell her."

"If you really want her to know, tell her yourself."

"No, it needs to come from you." I protested. Dad pauses and turns to me, holding out something. He took my hand and place the thing on it. "I will, but not now." He promised.

After that talk with my father, I went out and opened my folded hand to find an eight pointed star necklace.

"What happened? What did you found out?" Jayden asks me when I got back. The tears I was holding on fell down my cheeks. "Everything he was all for me and mom...I finally...I finally met my father." I told them slowly as I'm crying.

Later on that night, I visited mom with tears in my eyes. Mom was laying in her bed sleeping soundlessly.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you...just hold on mom...please." 😞😭😓

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