Chapter 17: Alone

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That night, I laid in bed crying and crying all alone. Doors were locked, curtains covered the windows, and I didn't cared about being scared of the dark because right now, I was more afraid of what's going to happen.

How could I survive without mom? I didn't had enough money to live all by myself, buying food, paying the house bills, and I don't want to depend on Dark, this is my problem, not theirs.

And I need mom not just because of that, but because I needed a mom, I needed an adult to take care of me. Dad isn't even my real dad no more, they're still divorced and I was taken in the household of mom, but now, I'm all alone. And even if I did started living with dad, that could never happen.

His parents—his dad, would never let him take care of a poor girl like me. Next month, I'll probably become homeless and be totally alone.

And how could I take care of insurance stuff? I don't even know what half of these adult things are. I can never survive by myself, I'm not ready, and I don't think I'll ever be without mom.

So I cried and just cried, that was all I could do, I felt so powerless...and useless...

I remembered before I left the hospital that I told Jayden to explain to the principal to why I won't be going to school for the next few days and to explain to the others since I know they'll be worried about me.

Honestly though...what am I going to do with life...?

Several days had past since the death of mom. The others called me multiple times and I don't even know how much since I turned my phone off. I went to the funeral, of course, but after that, I just shut myself in my room. Dr. Willow had taken care of me since finding out about me suffering.

She was a single women so she decided to kinda move in for my sake, I really appreciate that deep inside but right now, I felt weak. She always made food for me so that I could eat which kind of makes me worse since I start remembering about mom's cookings.

"Star, stop with your tears." Dr. Willow tells me softly as she came into my room and saw me crying silently. She sat down on my bed beside me and stroke my back. "Your mother told you to smile didn't she?"

More tears fell down. "How could I?" My voice was still as shaky as ever. "She's not here with me." I placed my head under my knees, covering them up.

"She's always here, in your heart." Dr. Willow tells me, trying to cheer me up. "If I didn't went to the field trip, I could've at least seen her for the last time. But no, I decided to go instead and now look what happened, I didn't got to see mom before her surgery." I complained.

"It wasn't your fault, the plan was changed. Star, stop complaining and come back to reality, your friends out there are seriously worried about you, are you just going to let it keep that way? Imagine that same situation had happened to one of them, you would be worried sick about them right?"

Listening to her words, I let out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry." I turn my gaze towards her. "I'm only thinking about myself right now."

"Don't be, just change your attitude and you'll be fine." She smiles.

I remember so much memories with mom, good and bad. Mom was very sweet and caring, she always put others problems before hers. Mom has this very soft side to her, so I always gotta be careful with my words. She was the best mother ever...and now she's gone...the person I loved the most was gone...😔

Jayden's POV
We've heard from Dr. Willow that Star's still stuck in her room. Honestly, I feel so bad for her, I hope she's doing better now. At the funeral, Star never said a word, never even looked up, her head was down low the whole time. She had that depressing aura all around her.

If I had the chance to trade places with her, I would do it. She has suffered so much already and her mom being taken away from her made it worse on Star.

Right now she's probably feeling all alone, I wish I could do something for her.

Darold's POV
Right now it's lunch time and we're all sitting and eating our food. Nothing's the same without Star, she was always the most cheery one out of us. She makes jokes and us two would always bicker around.

Now, it just feels so dark. I kinda—no, I actually do miss the two of us always bickering around even though it's annoying sometimes.

One time there was almost a food fight cause we couldn't agree on something but then realized that food was precious so we didn't had it. Heh. 😂 At least we can agree on one thing.

She's probably feeling all alone right now though.

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