Chapter 26: Blood and Dark

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The day of the meet of enemies, Blood and Dark, everyone had their eyes with madness hatred, as if they want to tear each other down. This happens every time the meet goes. Everywhere I walk, there are glares from Blood and glares from Dark back at Blood.

Since meeting some people from Blood, I've stopped giving glares to Blood. There was one specific rule to the meet, no one kills or hurt, clear and square.

"Why have you ordered your agents to get my agent. Have we done anything wrong?" Agent Jean challenges from the stage above us, addressing to Agent Collins about the attack which had involved me. "Do I always have to answer my reasons? You're lucky my agents didn't killed her." Agents Collins replied.

Jean chuckle. "We're lucky? You're lucky my agents only shot at their arms. You aimed for her because she is a top advance spy at Dark didn't you?" She asks with anger in her eyes. Agent Collins didn't answered, instead he only avoided the question.

"You shouldn't had let them touch her! That was inappropriate!" She glares. "They did what they wanted, I never told them to do anything but eliminate her." He smiles. How dare he?! My face scrunches up in a mad, disgusted face. Just when I was about to yell something out, Agent Jean looked at me and gave me the signal to not, then she turns to Collins again.

"You seem to not understand."

"I wouldn't want to understand anything about Dark." He states. "This isn't just about Dark, this is about the will of women. She came back all shaken up." Jean adds. Agent Collins just scoffs. "Of course she did, you Dark are weak, that's why."

"Any women would be shaken up if someone like that has done something like that. Not only have you tried to eliminate my spies but you've also tried hurt them. This won't stop us by backing down Agent Collins, we will keep fighting." Jean addresses.

I raised my hands and the two of them saw. "Yes Star?" Jean calls. All heads turns to me. "May I ask a question? I never knew the reason to our hatred. Will you expand on that?" I asked. All their eyes turned to Jean and Collins again and I could tell that most of them also wanted to know the answer to the question.

"Blood made their moves first, their head agent went behind ours, and that's how it all started." Jean explains. "We are not backstabbers, you are." Collins protested. "Your agent should've hear out ours at least, but no, you started the fight."

"The only reason we did that was because she tried to kill him!" Jean's voice raged out. "What do you understand?" Collins challenges. "We were both young."

"Which makes you wrong too then." A Dark shouts out. "Our agents are never wrong!" A Blood shouts back. "You guys are always wrong!" Another Dark rages out. Then the whole room starts arguing against each other.

Everyone was distracted on stating who was wrong or right so I snuck out of the crowd and headed to the stage. Even the two head agents were arguing. So I took the mic and stood tall and made my voice loud and clear. "Stop!" I shouted. The whole room turned their eyes on me and went quiet.

The two agents looked at me confused. "I've got something to say." I explained and turned to the crowd again before they could protest. Right now, a change was about to happen. I searched the room for my friends. The three of them nodded. Then I looked towards Blood. Those five nodded as well.

It was up to me now, and I now I have to trust in what will happen and just speak from my heart.

"Please listen to what I have to say..." I took a deep breath, then started. "When I was a little kid, I've always wanted to become a spy just like my parents, it was the only thing that kept me going. And when I did became a spy, things turned out differently than I had expected them to be. I didn't know that we were going to have a specific enemy." My eyes turned to Blood, then back to everyone. Some faces had some understand-ment in them.

"I didn't know that many would die because of their priorities of being a spy. But with all of that, I still made it into being a top advance spy. They say every human were the same, we share feelings, and we share passion. But that wasn't how us spies were, we believed in what our history had to say. They told me that Blood were animal creatures who wanted to devour you to pieces, that's why they're called 'Blood'. And they told me that Blood never care about anything but themselves."

All of the Blood's faces turned stunned, as if the statement were wrong.

"They told me that you guys weren't humans at all. I never believed it at first, but everywhere around me, Dark believed in them, so I started believing in them so that no Dark would hate me for it. And as I grew older, the things that some Blood did had turned me to believe in all those facts, when Agent Gideon died...There was a rumor that Nee ordered it, it was just a rumor, but that rumor turned true for us. We believed it, and started hating on Blood more. But..." I turned to Jean and to Dark. "Was that really the reason?" And I turned to Blood for some answers. Most of them shook their heads.

"We can't just believe that." A Dark stated when they saw that Blood shook their heads. Just when some Bloods were about to reject, I added "Maybe not, but we can't just believe in rumors." We room falls silent again. "What do you have to say?" I asked towards Blood.

"Agent Nee would never do such things. One of us betrayed both the teams, that's why he killed Gideon. That's when Nee disappeared." A Blood spoke out and the others nodded in agreement. I turn to Collins and he also nodded so I nodded my approval and turned to the crowd again. "You see? If we just explain things clearly, then we'll understand. Maybe that was what Gideon was lacking, he didn't hear out what Nee had to say."

"That's true. That's why when we separated, Nee never showed happiness as much as when she was with Gideon." Collins stated. I looked at him shock. "They were married, Gideon called out a divorce, but it never happened."

"Because he still knew that there was good in Nee." Jean clears. All heads turned to Jean this time.

There was a long silence, when all of a sudden, a soft but clear voice spoke out. "Is that right?" The female voice asks. We all turned our heads, trying to find where the voice came from. But it didn't looked like the voice was here. "I'm...up here." It says and we looked up.

That's when we saw an old female. "Nee!" A Blood shouted and they all went stun and called out to Nee. No way...

"Why did you disappeared?" Collins asked. There was a long pause. "Because I knew it was my fault for all of our separation." Nee says. Everyone started talking among themselves again. "Shh." I shush them, then looked back up at Nee. "I know you had your reason...what was it?" I asked.

From the corner of my eye, everyone turned to Nee, wanting to know the answer as well. A long silence came again. "I was forced to...The person who told me to do it...he said that if I didn't, he would kill half of Neon." Her voice was shaky and I saw that tears were rolling down her cheeks. "So I had to do it, cause I didn't wanted half of them to die just because I didn't killed one person. There were five Blood who knew about the secret, so they helped me kill the guy when we found out that Gideon died. That was my reason, and Gideon never tried hearing me out. Of course, that's because I had hurt him." Nee jumped down from the ceiling roof with her metal rope.

"So...I was the reason to Neon's separation. And I'm sorry for that. I am truly sorry." Nee cried. Jean stood up and walked towards her lost grandmother. "No...we should've hear out what Blood had to say before making up conclusions."

"Jean..." Nee smiled when she saw her granddaughter. "It was all our faults. So don't blame yourself." Collins added. I smiled, knowing that Blood and Dark finally had their problems resolved. But after that, all three of them turned their heads to me.

"Thank you for standing up here on this stage and saying your true feelings even though you knew you would have been expelled from spies." Nee thanked. "What gave you the reason to do it?"

All eyes turned to me again. "...Because I was secretly best friends with five Blood." Everyone from Blood and Dark gasp, knowing that I went against the code. "And...I fell for one too." I stated hesitantly and their gasps grew louder. "In fact, it wasn't just me who became friends with these Bloods."

"And these people are...?" Jean asks. I turned to the crowd. Jayden, Umi, Darold, Travis, Yui, Selene, Drake, and Aoi raises their hands. "I would've punished you all, but...I'm guessing we're all friends now." And with that, Agent Jean turns to Agent Collins. "I'm sorry Agent Collins for mistaking you."

Agent Collins smiles. "There's no need." And with that, those two shook hands.

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