Chapter 24: Captured

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Star's POV
My eyes slowly opened, half asleep, half awake. When I tried to move my hands, it was as if it was caught up in something, both of them. My feet also.

Then I realized what had happened. I gasp and opened my eyes fully, knowing that I'm tied up.

 I gasp and opened my eyes fully, knowing that I'm tied up

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"Let me go!" I shout, or, I at least tried to. My mouth was covered up. "Mm!" I kept struggling to get free, but the ropes were too tight around me. I looked around. This place looks like a warehouse. I wondered. No one was here besides me though.

I felt my eyes tingling and the tears rolled down my cheeks. What was going to happen to me?

"Ooh look, she's crying." I heard a laughing sound. I gasp and looked around, then there came two shadows before me. When I saw their faces, I knew that whey were the ones who had captured me. Their mouth curled up into a smirk.

"You Darks are so pathetic. You're crying over this?" They laugh. My eyes was filled with terror. "Hmm, but she is cute. No wonder Travis fell for her."

I cock my head a bit, confused. "Oh, you didn't heard?" One of them asked when he saw that I was confused. "You see, Travis was assigned to eliminate you months ago. He was to get closer to you at first, then kill you later on. But it's been almost a year already and he still hasn't eliminated you yet. So agent Collins found out he liked you."

"That's how Aoi-chan came into the picture. Our head agent assigned her to get Travis in track." The other one added. I was wondering why Aoi all of a sudden came to our school, now I know why. "But she didn't helped either." The other scoffs.

"She backed away. And now, there's us. Agent Collins assigned us, to kill you." They both chuckle. "I feel like sparing your life though, since you're so cute. Your eyes are like the milky way."

"Your hair is so long..." The other adds in as he touches my hair. "And you dress, it's easily to take off." And with that, they smirk, feeling my bare shoulders.

My eyes shook with terror. "Hey, you're scaring her." They laugh. "I heard your mother died, why don't you go up in heaven with her?" One jokes. My brows furrowed. How dare they talk about mom like that?!

But when they saw my angry face, it just makes them laugh more. "Let's play with her before we kill her." One suggested and I knew what that meant as they start stripping down my dress from the top.

Umi's POV
Let us not be too late! Let us not be too late! I prayed as we make our way to the warehouse. My eyes shook with terror by how worried I was for Star. When Darold saw that, he gave me a reassuring smile. "We're gonna make it."

"Yeah, we better." Jayden adds. We were skipping through town for the warehouse, jumping on buildings, us three and along with another girl, Hana, from Dark.

Jayden kicked open the doors and there they were. The three of them, Star, and the Blood boys turned their head towards us. I gasp when I saw that Star's dress was halfway down with crying eyes. I quickly turned to Jayden and Darold. "Yah! Look away you freaking idiot!" I demanded then the guys realized and quickly turned their head away.

I rolled my eyes by how stupid they were. "Let's go." I turn to Hana. She nodded and we pulled pulled out our weapons, heading to the guys. It was up to us now until Star's dress is pulled up right.

"Step one more closer and I'll pull the trigger." One of them smirks as he places a gun near Star's head. Me and Hana pauses as we gasp. "Now put the guns down." The other orders. "After Star's dress is back into place!" I demand.

"Ah, sure." The first one smirked and listened to me. How stupid are they? Now Jayden and Darold can definitely get them. Heh.

"There. Now put the guns down or she dies." He says after pulling Star's dress back up. I smirked to Hana and she knew what I meant. We placed our guns on the floor and kicked it far away from us.

Jayden and Darold probably knew the signal because the next thing that happened was that the one who placed a gun pointed at Star's head was shot in the arm. And Darold jumped onto the other guy. I ran to Star, untying her with Hana. When she was released. I sigh in relief.

"You good?" I asked and Star flew into my arms, crying. I hugged her back knowing about the fear she was feeling. "You're safe now. You're going to be alright."

I gasp at Hana. "Behind you!" I shouted and she kicked opt he guy away that was trying to hurt her. I smiled acknowledging her.

When we got back to headquarters, everyone crowded us, asking questions if Star was alright since she was in my arms, shaken up and scared. Agent Jean made her way to us, telling the others to give us space. "What happened? Why is she so shaken up?" She asks looking at Star.

I looked at Jayden to do the explaining and he nodded. Then him, agent Jean and Darold went to agent Jean's office. I took Star into an empty room.

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