Chapter 18: Valentine-Not expecting that

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Star's POV
That afternoon, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 3:15. Maybe I can still make it in time. I thought about going to meet up with the others after school. 10 more minutes. I said then quickly grab an outfit on and ran out of the room. After quickly saying goodbye to Dr. Willow, I ran out of the house and sprinted to school.

Please let me make it before they leave for their missions. I prayed as I'm running. I felt sweats creeping down. Deng, I haven't ran in a while. Maybe I can give them a smile.


I arrived at school and people were already leaving. Turning my head from left to right, I tried to look for them. When I heard a familiar voice, aka, Darold, I turn and saw all of them at the same time walking out of school.

I pause and just stared at them. They're my best friends...feeling some tears about to fall, I quickly wipe them away and walked up to them, just some feet distance from them and pause.

"Star...?" Yui asked when she saw me. The others turned around. Their faces were all stunned, stunned that I'm right there, finally. After a few seconds, Umi smiled and ran to me, giving me a big hug. The other girls joined and I could see the guys smiling.

Tears started swelling up again. "Hey, you okay?" Umi asked as she wiped my tears away. I nodded through my smile. "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine." I replied.

Looking towards Travis, we made eye contact and he gave me a relief smile. I smiled back. And from that moment, it was as if time had stopped with just the two of us smiling at each other.

Several days had past since that day as I'm recovering from mom's death. It was Valentine's Day tomorrow and I'm making chocolate for everyone. Travis's was a special one though, of course. Instead of a heart chocolate cake, I made a star chocolate cake.

The girls came and helped me make it for the guys. This will probably be the best Valentine's Day since I've never fell in love before.

"I wonder if this is right though." I mumbled softly unsure of myself but it seems like the girls heard it. "What do you mean? Of course it's right. Making a star instead of a heart is totally unique." Selene tells me. "Oh, unless if you're talking about if it won't taste good, it taste good to me though." Umi says after taking a taste of the cake.

"No I mean, what if he likes someone else? What if he doesn't accept it? What if—"

"Oh Star, this is just an effect that you get when—"

"Especially since I'm Dark." I looked down quietly after cutting off Yui. They stared at me sadly, unsure of what to say. "He won't accept it right? He probably won't accept my feelings since we're suppose to be enemies. Ugh this is so complicated." I complain.

"Hey come on, Travis is not the type of guy to cut off a friendship just because of a confession." Selene assures me.

"And besides " I heard Dr. Willow's voice. We all turned to her. "You guys made it this far. Why wouldn't he accept it?"

I thought for a moment. "And if he doesn't accept it, which that probably won't happen, but if, then just play it as like a joke just like you always do." Umi suggested. "Hmm...Ight, okay." I smiled and they smiled back happily.


The next day, everyone exchanged their Valentine's gift to each other except for me. Just as I'm crouching in a corner, stressing, someone came up to me. Looking up, I saw that it was Yui.

"Girl stop stressing. You can do this." She tells me as she helps me get back up. "Ugh, I can't." I tell her. "Look, I haven't given mine to Jayden yet." Yui says holding up her gift for Jayden's.

"What? You totally should. He'll definitely accept it, Jayden likes you, I'm sure of it."

"And I'm sure Travis like you. Now go on, I won't do my part unless you do yours." Yui is so sneaky. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine, fine." I gave up. "Now come on, let's go find him!" She encourages happily and called over the girls.


When we finally found Travis, on the rooftop, the girls push me as they hid behind the door, giving me an encouraging fist. I took a deep breath and decided to do it.

I walked towards Travis when he still didn't saw me. But as I kept walking, I saw that Travis wasn't alone, instead, he was with a girl. Someone I've never seen before. She was snuggling up on Travis's right arm and he never pushed her away.

"Hey, we should go on a date after school." I heard her say. "Yeah, sure. Let's go." Travis was smiling... Was this what I thought it was? "Yay! Our first date as a couple!" She exclaims and my hands started shaking. My heart sank. I didn't wanted to hear anymore so slowly, not wanting to disturb them, I ran back in.

"Star? How did it go?" Selene asks when I got down the stairs. They paused what they were doing when they saw me. But their smile faded when they saw that the cake was still in my hand and that my hands were shaking, tears about to fall.

"What happened?" Yui asked. Her voice was serious and mad when she saw me, as if she was going to kill Travis, not literally, but it seemed so that way.

I looked back up the rooftop doors. "See for yourself." I told her and ran down another flight of stairs.

We were all sitting in a picnic table, without Travis of course. They all stared at me as I placed my head under my arms. "Relax, I'm fine." I told them but they didn't seem convinced, neither was I. Now that my secret was out between us, there was no use hiding it.

Finally putting my head up, I opened the box to the star chocolate. "Anyways, let's eat this cake. The girls and I made it together. Hurry before it's not good no more." I smiled through my pain. Darold smiled and started digging in with me even though he knows that I'm upset, so the others joined in as well.

"Wow, this tastes so good." I beamed as I'm eating. Somehow eating makes me feel way better. "Yah Darold! You're eating too much!" I complained as I started eating more so that he doesn't take the rest.

"You're talking. You eat like a pig." He argues. "Uh, no. A pig eats fast and messy, I eat fast and clean. There's a big difference." I protested through the bites.

"You guys! Chew before you swallow, you'll choke." Umi complains. "Sorry." Me and Darold apologized together but kept eating. Umi sighs. "Here, have a drink." She says handing us each a water bottle. We took it but before drinking it, stared at each other confidently as if giving a sign.

"You owe me food if I win." Darold says. "No way I'm letting that happen, you owe me food if I win." I smiled. "Ready, set, go!" We said and quickly started chugging on the water.

I heard Drake sighing. "These two."

As I'm drinking, it was like time slowed down when I started thinking about Travis. He flirted around me and I called him two-timing since he still liked Camellia, was all a lie...he has...a girl now...

Unexpectedly, I spit out all the things that were in my mouth, away from them, to the ground. "I win!" I heard Darold yell but when he saw me, he stopped. I started choking a bit and felt like throwing up.

Quickly, I ran out of my seat, found a garbage and threw up. "Star, you good?" Darold asks. I gave them a thumbs up without looking but started throwing up again. "Water! Water!" I shouted through my throwing ups. I was quickly given a water bottle and started cleaning my face and mouth up after that vomit.

After that, I placed my head on the table when getting back and felt pain in the stomach. "I don't feel well, I don't feel well." I groan. Smelling the smell of sweets made it worse so weakly, I pushed the cake away and it fell off the table and to the ground.

Then I fell asleep with a bad headache and a bad stomachache. 😷

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