The Stars

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*Ryland P.O.V.*

This will be the greatest moment of my life. Nothing can stand in my way. Nobody can tell me what I can and cannot do. I, Ryland Royal, was freaking born for this.

I glance down at the phone in my hand. I try to steady my shaking head, but it's no use.

"Just text her you, idiot." I softly mumble to myself and flop back onto my bed.

I stare mindlessly at my phone. Brooke's contact information taunts me. I'm one click away from either winning back the girl of my dreams... or completely ruining my life. I contemplate calling Easton to ask for some advice, but I figure he'll be more of a nuisance if I do.

I take a deep breathe and shake my fingers out before grabbing my phone once again and pressing her name. I almost flinch when the messaging box pops up. I continue breathing deeply to calm my nerves.

What to say? What to type? God, how do girls make texting seem so cool and chill?

I finally come to the conclusion of keeping it simple, yet friendly, which is what I want us to be... friends...

I type out a short: Hey :) and send it before I can back down. It feels like years go by as the message slowly loads, but in the end, it sends.

Oh, god, what if the smiley face was too much? What if she takes it the wrong way? You know, I think I read somewhere that a smiley face texted from a guy means that they want to get in your pants... or was that a winky face? God, did I accidentally send a winky face instead of a smiley face? Should I have sent something other than 'hey?' Will she be-

Brooke: Hi :)

... Hi, and a smiley face? Oh, I definitely got this one in the bag.

*Brooke P.O.V.*

It had been just a normal Sunday. I had to work all afternoon, though upon my request. My parent's took our family to dinner, even though we really can't afford it. And now here I am in my bedroom. As I lay in my mess of pillows and blankets I hear my phone buzz with a text. Lazily I flop onto the floor and grab my phone from my dresser. My mouth literally falls open.

Ryland: Hey :)

 He texted me? For some reason it seemed like a big deal. But then again I was probably overreacting considering he did ask for my number. Which sort of indicates that you want contact with the said person. I should just ignore it....but that'd be mean, wouldn't it?

 Causally as possibly I reply: Hi :)

I'm tempted to ask Kaylee if when a person sends you a smile face is it appropriate to send one back. But considering her mixed feelings about Ryland I choose it best to just go with it. That was a totally uncalled for smiley face moment wasn't it?

Ryland: What's up? 

That sure was fast. So I say: Studying for a test. you?

Even though it wasn't totally true. I was supposed to be studying. In my mind that was close enough. And aren't us girls supposed to make the guys think we have lives when in reality we sit on tumblr. I mean come on people. Why do the girls have to do all the work?

Ryland: Sure you are. But I'm not studying for my pop quiz either so it's okay lol

Was it just me or was he replying enthusiastically fast? I smile at his words. There you have it ladies and gentleman, typical Ryland Royal. Not studying, procrastinating, and being a little cocky even through text. And typical Brooke Harris. Pretending to study to keep up her good grade status. Also, typical us, me saying something untrue and him knowing the truth without even seeing my face. It makes me laugh to think about it. 

I reply: Doesn't surprise me :P

After a minute or two he doesn't reply so I actually start studying.  More because I'm worried I did something wrong then because I actually need to. Now I'm left wondering what his true motives were for this. Everything was starting to point towards an answer I'm not sure I'm ready to believe. 

*Ryland P.O.V.*

I try to remain as playful as I can with Brooke. We're joking like old times, and this is probably the most fun I've had in weeks.

I know that I'm different around her. I feel happier and more at peace. I don't have to try so hard to keep up my cold front. I don't have to pretend to be some macho bad ass  who has no feelings. I can just be me... and it's nice.

Before I can reply to Brooke, my door flies open. I look up in surprise and immediately notice the disapproving look in my mother's eyes. Standing next to her is my dad with a scowl on his face. I resist the urge to roll my eyes, and like the good little boy I am, I sit up against my bed's headboard.

"Can I help you guys?" I rudely ask. I try to avoid making direct eye contact with my dad. Out of both my parents, my dad probably scares me the most, considering he's a "man" after all. My mother, on the other hand, just looks like a stereotypical rich woman practically drowning in her jewels.

"Ryland, honey, did you not remember that we had a very important banquet scheduled tonight?" My mom answers in a sickly sweet voice.

I let out an overly dramatic sigh. "Another old people party, mother? Shame on me." I shake my head, not really caring about their response. Hopefully, they can see how "disappointed" I am in myself about disobeying them. Honestly, I could care less if I missed another stupid banquet. As far as I know, Brooke didn't even go to it, so obviously, I wasn't going to either. No hot chicks equals no Ryland. I thought they would've known that by now.

My mom throws another bitter smile in my direction before she grabs my father's hand and leads him out without another word. The door slams shut behind them. I'm left sitting on my bed blankly staring at the place they stood.

"A "hello" or "how are you" would've sufficed." I whisper and lay back onto my bed. I stare up at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling and let out a small laugh. A couple weeks ago, Brooke begged and begged me to let her put up some stars.

"When you're having a bad day," She explained in a melodramatic voice. "then look up at the stars and think of me." She gestured up to the glowing stars, then pointed to herself with a cheesy grin.

I close my eyes and try to remember more of the good old days with Brooke. It's not hard, because everything I did with her was always fun. I picture her face in my mind. I mentally hear her laugh. I see her smile. Then, right as I begin to slowly doze off, I see us, picnicking by our cherry blossom tree.


Pic of Brittany to the side!

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