Who'd Have Known

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Rylands P.O.V.

Pure freaking torture.

The so called kid drooled all over my t-shirt. I had to change his dirty diaper... twice! He puked his turkey flavored baby food that smelled like cat food on me... and I was once more reminded of my dislike of children.

...Well, at least that's what happened in my dream, more like nightmare, last night.

"It won't be that bad, Ryland. You'll be fine." Right now, I'm having a minor panic attack on Brooke's sofa while we're waiting for the kid to show up. Brooke's trying her best not to laugh at me, and I'm thankful... but that doesn't I'm still not anxious.

"It's a kid, Brooke. A kid. Kids. Hate. Me." I enunciate every word clearly, acting as if Brooke herself is a child. I want to leave. I want to leave Brooke's house and never come back until I'm supositive the kid will be gone forever.

"Like you said. He's a kid. Tell me, Royal, are you nervous?" Brooke decides not to play the respectful role anymore and starts laughing at me. I just sit and watch as tears literally start forming in her eyes from how much she's laughing.

"You know me, Harris, always nervous." I wink at her once her laugh attack is over. I regain some of my pride and take a few deep breaths to calm myself.

"It's just a kid. He's just a kid." I confidently whisper to myself. Brooke nods along encouragingly, giving me a motivating smile.

"Now, ground rules." She stands up in front of me, and I'm forced to listen. "He's a child, so no cussing." Brooke sternly glares at the smirk that immediately forms on my face. I make a mental reminder in my mind not to piss Brooke off too much today.

"Yes, ma'am." I fake salute her. There's this light in her eyes that I haven't see in a while, and I'm just glad that I'm the one to get it back.

She shakes her head disapprovingly. "What am I going to do with you, Royal?" An affectionate smile... a friendly smile... crosses her face.

I sheepishly grin back and reply, "Love me forever?" right before the doorbell rings.

Brooke just throws me an unrecognizable look before she quickly prances off to answer the door. Suddenly, a loud cry echos throughout the house and sends shivers down my spine.

"Ryland, come meet Elijah!"


Brooke's P.O.V.

I could see the fear in Ryland's eyes as I walked away. But his words made me think of Kaylee's and something strange stirs in me. Thankfully, it shakes off as I open the door. Quickly, I'm met with baby Elijah's blood curdling screams. 

"Ryland come meet Elijah!" I call out as I remove the thrashing child from Miss Rosie's arms.

"Hello." Ryland says with a hilariously fake smile as he shakes my neighbors hand.

Eli stops crying and stares blindly at Ryland. This kid is known not to take well to new people. Though I thought it was best to not tell that to Ryland just yet.

"Well it looks like he sure does like your boyfriend." Miss Rosie coos happily.

Heat flushes over my cheeks and Ryland gives me a true smile as we say goodbye and close the door. I place the child on the floor and he quickly runs away at top speed, making some screeching noises as he goes down the hall. 

"So I'm your boyfriend now?" Ryland says with a cocky smile.

"No one ever said that." I reply, swallowing the butterfly feeling in my stomach.

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