Back To December

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Ryland P.O.V.


I toss a small rock towards Brooke's window, hoping that I don't accidentally break her window. Kaylee and the boys have driven away with my car, even though I specifically told them to wait for me just in case things went horribly wrong. Obviously, they're all pretty good listeners.

My hands are sweating in my pocket, which is weird, because it's freezing right now. I blame it on the nerves and look up at Brooke's window, seeing her shadow appear behind her blinds. I'm shivering, and I send a quick prayer to god, in hopes of not making too much of a fool of myself... though, I kind of already have, if I really think about it.

"Ryland?" I hear Brooke's voice call out to me. "

What are you doing here?" Her voice accusingly asks. Her eyebrows are drawn into a scowl. I notice that her makeup for the day has already been taken off and that she's currently dressed in familiar pink penguin pajamas. Honestly, I can say that I've never seen her more beautiful.

"B-Brooke!" My voice wavers from the cold. "I've come to s-set things straight!" I shout back in a very unusual tone that hopefully makes me sound sexy. Brooke remains silent, but the look on her face questions my words.

"Damn." I quietly curse, preparing my next action. "S-So..." I tap my feet gently to the beat and also to attempt to shake away my goose bumps. "T-This is me swallowing m-my pride, standing in f-front of you, saying I'm s-sorry for that night." I pause, keeping my eyes locked on Brooke's the entire verse. "...and I go back to December all the time!" I sing/scream rather loudly, adrenaline seeming to take over my body.

I hear slight hoots and hollers from behind me, but I ignore them as much as I can and continue my song. "It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you, wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine!" I completely let go and sing out as loud as I can, realizing that my situation probably won't get any more embarrassing on my part. "I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind! I go back to December all the time." I end my chorus with a quick flicker of jazz hands, wanting to ease the tension a bit.

Brooke just stares at me, and I stare back. We ignore the neighborhood boys skateboarding across the street. She knows that doing this, singing for her is the craziest thing I've ever done. Actually, it seems like everything completely idiotic I do has to deal with Brooke in some way. Brooke makes me want to be a more... genuine person, and that's something that I'll never be able to thank her enough for.

"Brooke?" No reply. The uncertain look on her face remains. "Brooke?" Finally, my last call seems to snap her out of her daze.

"W-what?" She shakes out her ruffled brunette hair, obviously very confused on what I have just done. She doesn't say anything else. She just looks me in the eyes... and turns away from the window.

My heart sinks into my chest. Boos of displeasure echo from the immature morons across the street. I try to brush off the fact that after giving everything I've got to "some girl", she just rejects me without another word.

I turn around, hanging my head low, not wanting to meet any of the neighbors eyes. "Why did I ever think that this would actually work?" I question, preparing myself to make the cold walk home alone.





Brooke P.O.V.


As I turn away from my window every and any emotion runs through me. I quickly grab a coat and quietly make my way out my door. A shuffle of feet from behind me on the stairs makes me jump.

"Where do you think you're going?" A little voice cooes evilly.

"Nowhere...go back to sleep Ellie." I demand pushing my little blonde headed sister back up the stairs.

She gives me a scowl and crosses her arms tightly.

"I'll scream and wake up mom and dad," She threatens, "But if you tell me why you, the princess of goodness and rule following, is sneaking out at almost three a.m. I'll just go back to bed."

I throw up my hands in defeat. There really was no other way around this.

"I'm meeting Ryland in the yard." I whisper bending down to her level, "And if you go to bed without another word of this to anyone ever...I'll give you five bucks."




At that I don't even look to see if she's gone or not. I completely forget about shoes or any other source of warmth besides my hoodie. For a moment I can't spot Ryland as I fling open the door and race into the front lawn. Then I see his figure a little ways down the side walk. With I deep breath I run over stopping a few feet behind him.

"Wait...." I call out slightly breathless from my little jog; I really need to get in better shape.

He doesn't say a word, but when he turns around I swear it's the happiest I've ever seen his face.


Ahh! Feels! Picture of Ellie to the side, its been a while since she's been in the story lol :) <3 Thanks for all the votes and comments!


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