1- America

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America holsters a pistol at her side. Many of her rebels followed suit. She tucked a knife in either of her boots and pulled the hood up on her coat. It was brought in at the waistline and the hood covered her face.

She looked up at Aspen, who was taking the weapons he would need. He looked back at her, his expression hard but his eyes soft.

America and Aspen were the leaders of the Southern Rebels. They had been for years now. America was respected, idolized. She was looked up on by the rebels and their supporters.

"Commander Singer, we're set to go," a rebel addressed her. America nodded stiffly.

She walked out of the compound and into the night. Roughly twenty rebels followed her. The rest stayed to guard the compound.

Aspen walked nearly half a step in front of her. America was comforted in his presence.

They treated lightly over leaves and twigs, the moonlight acting as the only light source. America and Aspen led their group closer to the palace. She saw it looming in the distance.

Once she knew they were close enough, America ordered the rebels to split up. It was the only way for everyone to get inside.

"Okay five with me, five with Leger. The rest divide into groups of three and scout the palace. Remember your goal," the goal was to weaken the enemy.

The enemy was the royal family of Illea.

America turned to Aspen, she leaned up and kissed him on the lips.

"Stay safe," she whispered.

"Same goes for you, America," Aspen kept her gaze for a second longer before parting away from America.

She lifted her chin up slightly, fixing the hood of her coat. "Advance forward."

America and her rebels found a hidden entrance. She opened it without anyone seeing and they crept inside soundlessly. She made hand motions every time. To show when it was clear, when it wasn't safe to go.

When the rebel alarms sounded, she knew someone had tripped the alarms.

By now, she was accustomed to them. America stuck to her goal. She tore a painting off the wall, slashed an ornate chair.

A rebel threw a vase to the ground, they laughed darkly as it shattered.

"Split up!" She ordered lowly. Two rebels flanked her still. Three went on a separate path.

She had just barely ducked around a corner when one of the palace's guards ran into the hallway.

America was on the third floor. She could tell as the condition of everything grew increasingly better.

"Go. That way," she made her rebels leave her. America lifted her gun up and turned the corner quickly.

She noticed a figure frozen, staring at one of her rebels.

America moved with grace to her rebel.

"I can handle this," she whispered and shoved the rebel harshly by the shoulder.

It was Prince Maxon. He stared at her, standing still.

America cocked her gun in the direction of the nearest known safe room.

"Go, Prince Maxon. This is your only chance," his eyes never left her own. America didn't lower her gun.

A moment later, Prince Maxon was gone.

First chapter! It's short but action packed! I hope you enjoy it!! I'm rereading The Elite and I forgot how much I loved this series. I hope you enjoy this story! Love you all my selectioners!
Much love, Amber

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