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"Your highness," a maid curtsies deeply before Maxon. He gives a short bow in return. She keeps her eyes trained on the floor.

"His Majesty, the King, requests your presence in his office immediately," she said quickly, her voice slightly trembling. Maxon did understand why the staff of the palace and so many people were nervous around him. He wished it wasn't that way.

"Thank you for telling me. You are dismissed," she scurried away as Maxon climbed the steps to his father's office. He straightened his tie and wondered why he didn't come get him personally.

Maxon stood at the door, Clarkson's voice echoing in his head. How to knock, that lesson seemed so pointless but it was easily chided upon.

He rapped his fist against the door and waited for a response. His father called him inside.

"Sit!" Clarkson commanded. Maxon sat down obediently in the chair. He hated this, feeling like a terrified puppy. Being trapped in the corner with no where to go.

"Explain this," the King thrusted forward a small piece of paper. It was thin and crinkled with many touched.

Maxon read it once, and then again. And then a third time to make sure he had seen it correctly.

This was the note from 'A.S'. The one warning him of another attack. Maxon glanced up at Clarkson's furious eyes and swallowed hard with guilt.

Maxon's mind flashed around quickly, wondering what to do, what to say, what lie to tell. Lying always hurt more in the long run.

"Where did you find this?" His voice was nearly audible above a whisper. He willed it not to crack with the immense fear raging in his chest.

"I am the one asking the questions, Maxon! Where do you get this note?" Clarkson slammed his fist on his desk. Maxon jumped slightly, hoping the king didn't take note on that.

"It was on my bedroom floor," he admitted. Maxon's heart raced. Clarkson reached over his desk and stole the note back from his son.

"And why didn't you tell me immediately?" Clarkson asked with so much force, Maxon tried not to let his emotions show.

"I wasn't thinking clearly," Maxon tried to use excuses to get himself out of this. He wanted to leave this office, to be pardoned from the fury soon to unleashed from his father.

But that wasn't happening anytime soon.

"Do you know how dangerous that was? How we could have all been killed by your stupid mistake?" His voice shook with anger. Maxon nodded.

"This will not go unpunished," Clarkson stood and walked to a large cabinet near the back of his office. Maxon had seen him walk that past a hundred times before. He knew what was coming before anything even happened.

The king pulled out a cane and wordlessly moved towards Maxon. He stood, sending his chair sliding a foot back.

"Take off your jacket," Clarkson instructed. Maxon begrudgingly slid it off, tossing it in front of him.

Clarkson's strong hand took his shoulder and pushed his son down to his knees. Maxon closed his eyes, bracing for the impact.

The king brandished the cane, sending his arm heavy onto Maxon's back. He arched his spine in pain, gritting his teeth.

Every lash became better and worse in a terrible way. The pain became insufferable but the rhythm didn't surprise him any more.

The stinging felt like his flesh was being torn apart but at least this wasn't the first time. Maxon wasn't that little boy anymore, trembling and scared and terrified. He was a man, though even now he couldn't stand up to his father.

He wouldn't break. Clarkson wouldn't break him. As Maxon's breathing became labored and harder to circulate, he closed his eyes and tried to focus on something else.

Kriss's smile flashed in his mind. Her laugh played melodically. A different face interrupted that.

It was the rebel, the girl with red hair like flames and icy blue eyed. It wasn't real, just a memory of her.

Maxon's vision slowly blurred and faded out. He clenched his fists and let out an agonizing yell of pain before everything went dark.

OMG I'm so sorry!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated at all! I have so much going on but I'm still alive and I'm still here and I'm still fighting. I'm okay. I'm going to be okay. So thank you for reading. Love you all.

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