12- Maxon

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After two days of being at Kriss's childhood home, Maxon felt himself growing adjusted to the new environment. He felt calm and happier, his mind completely void of his duties as a prince. It was like the sounds of a normal family, a normal life, were more peaceful than a vacation on a beach or in some foreign country.

Maxon had his arm slung across Kriss's shoulders, holding her close. She giggled and leaned into his side.

"Do you like it here?" She asks him quietly as they sit in what she called a 'living room'. Maxon nodded and sighed.

"It's refreshing to be away from the palace," he admitted. She looked around and nodded in agreement. Maxon saw paintings on the walls and books thrown onto the coffee table. Everything was different than the palace. It was beautiful and elegant in its's own way but different than the riches of his home. 

They sat in comfortable silence as his parents were talking with Mr. and Mrs. Ambers. He strained his hearing to try and guess with what they are talking about but their words were lost on him. 

"Do you want to do something? We can't go many places, really, but we can bake or read or go outside?" she offered. Maxon shrugged. 

"Anything you want" he offered. She grinned and pulled him up by both of his hands. 

"Then come on! There are so many things I've been dying to do with you," Kriss looked happy and content in her home. Maxon laughed and let her pull him out of the room. 

"Up here is my bedroom," she said and pushed open a door. Her room was simple, decorated in neutral colors and with industrial looking shelves. He walked around the perimeter, examining the place Kriss had lived for the first eighteen years of her life. 

"It's a lot different than your room at the palace. This is very.. plain," everything at the palace was more extravegent. He guessed that is just what happened when you were royalty. That type of life style was not for everyone. 

"I wanted to try out a few new things at the palace. I was about due for a change, anyways," she noted with certainty. Kriss sat down in a chair and flattened out the skirt of her dress. 

"The same is boring," Maxon knew that first hand. He had always been desperate for some type of diversity to his life. He had grown tired of waking up and having people slave to his every need. He wanted to be someone that is not the prince, if only for a day, and this 'vacation' granted him that wish. 

"Yes," she sighed, "it is." 

Kriss stood up and wrapped her arms around Maxon's neck. He pulled her close and grinned. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek lightly. He felt his skin heat up with the contact. 

"You know that I love you a lot right?" Kriss brought her timid voice to a lower tone. Maxon smiled and nodded. 

"Yes, of course I know," he gathered her in a hug. Kriss let out a deep breath against his chest. Something was keeping him from saying the words back. They seemed so private and intimate, her wanted to make sure he completely meant it when he did. 

But of course he did, right? Kriss was his only option out of thirty-five. He had chosen her and Kriss had fought for him. And the selection was nearly over. Wasn't that love? 

It had to be. 

Her bedroom door opened and the both of them jumped apart, as if their hug was too much of a moment to be seen by anyone else. After spending an entire life time in front of cameras, the privacy was well respected. 

King Clarkson stood, his face the epitome of anger. Maxon swallowed hard at his expression. 

"I'm afraid that we will have to cut our trip short. There's been another rebel attack and they need our assistance, Maxon," his father announced. Maxon nodded and took Kriss's hand in his own. 

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Kriss was trying her best to not make her voice quiver. Clarkson shook his head, a sure sign of 'no'. 

"Get packed and say goodbye," then Clarkson strode back down the hallway. 

"I'm sorry," Amberly muttered quietly before following after her husband. 

"Do you think the other girls are okay?" Kriss asked, her eyes wide with worry. Maxon pulled her to him once again and drew patterns with his finger tips on her spine. 

"We can only hope."

WOw sorry I hadn't updated sooner! I've been busy with other stories@! bUt i really do enjoy writing this story, it's a very interesting plot I think. Hope you enjoyed. And I'm currently planning three other books, they are the next generation after Maxerica. I have a candidates book if you all would check it out! The first twelve people to comment characters will have their selected character featured in my story called "The Selected" so please go comment quickly!!! Thanks again and see ya!

A Rebellious Love-MaxericaWhere stories live. Discover now