10- Maxon

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Rain streaked the glass and fractured his vision as he looked out the car window. Maxon watched as drops formed and fell quickly, combating against the wind outside. Kriss held his hand lightly and touched his hair. 

"Are you excited to meet my parents?" she asked him quietly. He nodded and smiled. Maxon tightened his grip on her hand. 

"Of course, my dear, it will be pleasant to see them," after three hours on a plane and then another hour by car, Maxon was ready to finally regain his composure and be able to walk around freely. 

"I haven't seen them in so long, this'll be quite the trip," she beamed and leaned her head daintily on his shoulder. Kriss was a beauty of a girl, petite and quiet. She was the picture perfect example of a queen and Maxon had strong enough feelings to eventually marry her. He believed that she felt the same. 

"Do you think your parents would approve of us?" Maxon lifted their hands up together. Kriss crunched up her face joyfully and shook her head at him. He was confused momentarily. 

"We don't have to worry about the future or my parents. Let's just live in the present," she told him with a blissful sigh. Maxon nodded and watched as they past landmarks and people walking and cars passing right alongside them. 

Over an hour later, the car came to a stop in front of a large but serene looking house. Kriss let out a small squeal and leaped out of the car before anyone could help her. Kriss's high heels splashed through a puddle as she dashed up the front stairs of her home. 

Maxon followed after her, signalling for the driver and maid to grab their bags. He smiled as Kriss turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"I'm home!" she cheered and dusted a kiss onto his cheek. Maxon wrapped an arm around her waist as she knocked on the door. It seemed odd, a former resident now feeling the need to announce herself before seeing her parents. 

Two smiling faces appeared on the other side of the door. A middle aged woman with brown hair and a dark haired man with a scratchy beard. 

"Mom! Dad!" she jumped up and hugged both of them. Maxon stood back, awkward in this situation. He realized he's never done this before, meeting a lady's parents somewhere that isn't his own home. It can't be much more different than meeting a leader of a foreign country, can it? 

"This is Maxon, Prince Maxon," Kriss pointed to him. Maxon stepped forward and shook the hands of her parents. Kriss's mother dipped into a shaky curtsy. Amberly and Clarkson were on either sides of Maxon. 

"And now it's King Clarkson and Queen Amberly," Kriss presented the royal family with a darling smile adorned on her lovely features. Amberly said "hello" in a quiet voice and waved shortly. She was reserved and a tad nervous. Clarkson, however, shook their hands and muttered something to Maxon. 

"Having to introduce us," he scoffs. Maxon sighs and shakes his head at his father. He hoped that nothing would happen, due to his bold attitude and usually rude words. Clarkson did not have a filter nor did he wish too. 

"She was being polite, father," Maxon said pointedly as they were all invited inside. A small train of the royal family followed after Kriss and her parents. She reached back and took his hand. Kriss sat with him on the sofa. She looked happy, the happiest she's been in a long time. Maxon put up a smile and pretended to want to be there as much as she did. 

But the only thing on his mind was the palace. 

OKAY I WROTE THIS OVER A PERIOD OF THREE DAYS AND IM SO BORED WITH IT but anyways thanks for reading. love you all my selectioners .

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