Step [8]: Your Rep Is Important

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    "A CARNIVAL" I shriek in excitement as I wriggle around in my seat to stare joyfully at Pat.

    “Yup! Its Winthrop’s annual fair, you didn't know about it?” Patrick asks, as a strand of blonde hair falls over his eyes. Blowing out his cheeks he tries to blow the piece of hair out of his  face, whilst keeping his eyes on the road. It ended in utter failure and he ended up looking like a pufferfish on crack.

    “Here. Let me do it.” I reach out, slightly annoyed, and brush away the strand of hair, tucking it behind his ear firmly. Smirking at the realization that I had just made him look like a preppy english school boy, I focus my attention back onto the blonde hunk, who was now staring at my with a lopsided smirk.

    “Thank you beautiful.” Patrick murmur’s as his blue eyes gaze into mine.

    “Go for a hair cut dude” I bark, settling back into my seat as I cross my legs in agitation.

   “Thank you for that suggestion, Cinta. I think I will.” Patrick smiles lazily at me, licking his lips in playfulness. 

    “Stop that.”

    “Stop what, Cinta?” The devil sitting next to me asks innocently, a hint of a smile playing at his lips.

    “You know what! The lips thing.” I groan, rolling my eyes in embarrassment. Think about what you say before you say them, Jacinta!

    “Oh, do you mean this?” He says, as he runs his wet tongue over his full pink lips again, wetting them to a slight sheen. 

    Ignoring the pull in my stomach, and a certain tingle in a very hormonal area, I huff and stare out the window.

    “Aww, come on now Cinta baby. I was just joking around.” Patrick drawls, as I see him glance at me in my peripheral vision. 

      “No.” I glower as I turn to face him. “First of all, never adjoin the word ‘baby’ to my name; you will get thrown out of the car. And second, stop with the lips thing. Its such a turn-off.”

    I slam back into my seat to emphasize my point, as Patrick looks around confused. “What do you mean, its a turn off?” He gapes at me, shock etched into his beautiful face.

    Wow, your confident.

    “Eye’s on the road, Romeo.” I retort feeling powerful that I had completely reversed the situation on to him. “I mean, slobbering your lips with spit is not attractive. It make’s you look like your a puppy who’s in desperate need of water.”

    “But...puppy’s are cute?” Patrick mused as he scratches his head, making him look like an adorable ape.

   “Yeah... For puppies. Not so much for humans bro.” I mutter sympathetically as I pat his shoulder, desperately trying not to blurt out a laugh. The guy’s so gullible. 


    I am standing outside the Winthrop fair in shock as I try to take in all the people I could see. Patrick is next to me, picking at the skin around his fingernails as we shuffled a centimeter closer to the entrance of the fair. The line was almost a mile long. I don't really know how much a mile actually is, but all I know was that the line was long. 

    “This fair must be popular.” I shout at him over the loud throbbing music and chatter of around 400 people.

    “Yeah. Winthrop’s presidential society goes all out for it.” Patrick says, wincing slightly as he pulls out a strip of skin from around his nail.

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