Step [16]: Welcome, Audrey

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 FOR SOME REASON the empty wine bottles never left my mind. Not when I was checking out of the rackety motel, not when I stepped into a puddle of muddy water, and definitely not when I was sitting on an uncomfortable seat in the Polish International Airport. 

I had just booked a ticket to fly back home, and I was catching a connecting flight in three hours. The lady at the ticket counter had charged me with a devastating figure which will most definitely create a huge dent in my bank account. Not like I can really complain though since it wasn't fair for the company to pay for another ticket of mine, especially when getting drunk out of my mind was my only excuse for missing my flight.

I twitch in my hard plastic yellow seat at the word. Drunk. 

That word just wasn't me, man. I mean I’m anything but a hopeless drunk. But really, am I? Am I really the person who I want to be? Am I happy with the way I’m turning out? Nah, maybe I’m just being way too harsh on my self. Im sure other people all have a particular type’s of food and drinks they binge on occasionally. Mine just happens to be red wine. Nothing wrong with that. Right? Right?

Just thinking about the sweet, blood red liquid makes me feel parched and my throat aches for more. Maybe I was a vampire in my earlier life, and Tyler was my Edward Cullen. Wow, hold up tiger. Tyler? I mentally feel like I have punched myself at the thought. What? No. Let me rephrase that. Maybe I was a vampire in my earlier life, and Patrick was my Edward Cullen. God, Ive been so tired lately I cant even seem to be able to think straight. 

I prop my feet up onto my khaki duffel bag lying on the linoleum airport floor and slouch down into my seat until my back was hunched and perfectly rounded. Whoever said bad posture was uncomfortable was lying, because to me it was the most comfortable feeling in the world. It wasn't long before I felt my eyes drooping and my mind drift off into a world of dreams filled with Patrick and red wine. 

 — * — 

I wake up from an hazy fog with a dull headache—the kind I usually get when I take unneeded naps during the day—to meet a very attractive stranger sitting next to me. Surreptitiously rubbing the back of my hand over my mouth, I wipe away any possible drool from my mini nap, while I try to inconspicuously examine the very attractive black woman sitting next to me. 

There’s something about attractive people that makes them so damn mesmerising. Maybe its the fact that they're so attractive to the point when any possible action they do can be found so interesting. Almost like watching a baby. I don't think any parent could possibly say that they didn't find the smallest things they're baby children did, utterly fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable. Well its almost the exact same case for attractive people. 

This woman was slouched in her yellow narrow chair in almost the exact same position as me. The only difference was that her’s looked like it was a position straight out of a high fashion magazine, whereas mine looked like I was a homeless person just waking up. See the difference between attractive and non attractive people?

Her legs were long. So long to the point where her hip and pelvis bone stopped at the exact same place as mine, but her long slender thighs and strong calves that were accentuated by her tight jeans, extended much further past my own. She wore a maroon velvet jacket with what looked like black leather sleeves, with her long jet black hair tucked into her collar. It was a look that I distinctively recognise as something straight out of a Burberry runway show. She wears no makeup, but the natural shadows under and in the crease of her eye’s made her very dark brown eyes glitter and pop. Her bone structure was the most unique thing I had ever seen. She definitely  had a lot of cheek to her, and her face was full, but she also had very defined cheekbones. Looking at her from the side, her round chin jutted out significantly and her face shape looked almost identical to a mango from a side view. This woman made mango face shapes look good. If thats even possible. God she was so fierce and so feminine at the same time. It absolutely sucks to be me right now.

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