Step [10]: Be Unique. Like Miley Cyrus.

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 I GLANCE DOWN at the letter in front of me. 

    Dear Jacinta,

    How have you been child? Congratulations on motivating Tyler for these two months, you lived up to my expectations. I am going to keep this letter short and to the point. As you may know, this week Tyler is participating in his first swim competition for Winthrop. Im highly proud of my son, and I have confidence that he will do well during the competition. Tyler undergoes high levels of stress during this period and I recommend for you, Jacinta to be polite and concerned towards his feelings for this week only.

   I look forward to seeing you at the competition.


   Mr. Waterford.

P.S: Tyler tells me you two get along now, this is something I’m very happy to hear of.


   I close my eyes in exasperation as I read the last note of Mr. Waterford’s letter. He was right. Tyler and I did get along, but only because we barely spoke to each other. After my birthday, we only exchanged a handful of words, and the only time we had some form of interaction was when I didn't wear the necklace he gave me.

   After noticing me without it, he had promptly strode to my room, grabbed the necklace from my table and had gently placed it in front of me while I was eating my oats at breakfast. Nothing was said afterwards, he stared at me with so much intensity that my heart pounded as I delicately fastened the chain around my neck. When I looked up at him towering over me, seeing the heat and lust in his eyes, the butterflies that had engulfed my stomach on the day of my birthday erupted again as we both stood there fighting the emotional battle of trying our level best not to rip each other’s clothes off. Of course I had looked away, and of course Tyler had walked out of the door the second after, as I tried to control my breathing and the overwhelming urge to run after him and entwine my tongue with his. 

    We hardly spoke after that. In fact we only saw each other at swim practice, even though we lived in the same house. I would always hear the soft music of Justin Timberlake coming from his door in the morning, the unwashed cereal bowl in the kitchen sink and wet foot prints in the bathroom, but I hardly ever saw Tyler. My eyes feasted on him when I did get to see him for the two hours I was with him at training, where I would continuously have to clear my throat whenever I told him his lap times and feel my palms sweating slightly whenever he would sit next to me after practice, water dripping from his body as he tried to catch his breath from the intense training. 

   The only truth that I could say, even though I was a trashy girl with a minimum education was that I was falling for Tyler. And as far as I know, Tyler wanted me. But the difference was, falling and wanted are two completely different words and there was only one thing that I had to remember whenever I felt those butterflies and the urge to kiss him, and that was that Tyler Waterford never dated his swim assistants.

   That made me control those urges, because for some strange reason, I wanted Tyler to be much more than a one night stand. 


   I was bought back down from Tylerville as the devil himself spoke my name, his voice husky as he stood at my bedroom door.

   “Y-yes?” I stammer in shock, wondering why on earth he was talking to me.

   “Im going grocery shopping, is there anything you need?” He asks, shoving his hands into his jeans.

   “Um, no not really. Maybe bring some cereal because we are running out?”

   He nods, as he turns to exit my room. “Tyler?” I call out to him, stopping him in his tracks.

   He turns towards me again, looking at me questionably.

    “About the swim competition on Friday, I wont be able to make it. I have a Literature test at that time.” I say quietly, feeling terrible as I watch his expression drop and then become stony as he quickly covered up his disappointment. 

   Giving me a curt nod he walks away, and I hear the loud but distant bang of the front door a few seconds later. Flopping down on my bed I wonder whether the whole year would be like this. Me an emotional quivering mess, and Tyler an angry quivering mess.



    “Hmm?” He says, standing away from me shirtless, as he packs his swimming bag with his towels and goggles. I had given him some protein bars for energy but those remained on his bed, in the exact place I had placed them a few hours ago, untouched and ignored.

   “Good luck for today. I know you'll do good.” I say forcing my voice to come out steady and confident.

   “Thanks. Good luck for your test.” He says  offhandedly as he continues moving around his room and throwing things into his gym bag. 

    Feeling unwanted, I turn around to feel, desperately wishing there was someway I could get rid of the stiff politeness between us so that the playful fighting could be bought back in our relationship.

    “Jacinta.” I turn around at the sound of my voice, just in time to witness a small silver object flying into my face. Acting on reflexes I cover my face with my hands as the object hits them and falls to Tyler’s floor with a thud. 

   “Oi! What the hell Tyler.” I shout as I bend down as pick up the small, silver flip phone that lay on the floor.

   “Keep it with you, just in case.” He says gruffly, before picking up his bag and swinging it over his shoulder. “I’ll see you when I get back.” He passes by me and I whiff the smell of chlorine that constantly surrounds him. Over the past two months, the smell of Tyler had been a constant annoyance to me, but now it was more of a comfort.

   Wondering in amazement on how feelings for a person can change so fast, I jump slightly as I hear the now familiar bang of the front door; Tyler Waterford's signal to me that he was leaving the house.


   I huff in annoyance as I leave the examination area of Winthrop, glaring at the pouring rain in frustration. The literature test was easy enough, but my mind couldn't focus. I was worried and upset for Tyler, hoping he had done well. Grabbing the silver flip phone out of my bag, I hurriedly switch it on, hoping there was some news from Tyler about the swim meet

   There was.

   He had sent me a message fifteen minutes ago, one that made my heart turn as I shoved the phone back in my pocket and ran through the rain in the direction of the Sapphire Squad pool, as the words in his text replayed in my head.

   Tyler 4.33 P.M:  I lost. I need you. At the SS Pool.

 A.N: OH NO BROWN COW! What do you think is going to happen?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 


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