Ellie Smith: Sentry

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So this is a story I wrote three or four years ago. It is terrible writing but still a good story. Haha, thought I would post it. 

I sat in front of the mirror and sighed. I piled all of my blonde curly hair on the top of my head, then let it fall. I turned to my Ipod in its dock and hit play. The beautiful sounds of MUSE filled my room and I began to relax. I looked at my face again in the mirror. My outrageously blonde, curly hair flowed down to right above my elbow. I had it tied back in the front to keep it out of my face. I indistinctively remember a neighbor referring to me as goldie locks. Next I took in my eyes. A light brown. Medium size. No depth or soul to them like most read about brown- eyed people in books. Then my nose. Small, like a button. My eyes moved down to my lips. Pink and very full. Actually, they were a little plump. And above my lip on the right side was a small beauty mark. My skin was remarkably clear. Not one acne blemish or scar even though I am in the vortex of puberty.

            Being 16 is a good age I guess. I can drive, but I am not old enough to hold many responsibilities. I am young but, not considered immature. I live with my parents, two brothers, and sister. They are all very young.  None older than ten. I was they accident that happened early. My parents had this plan. My mom started it when she was a kid. Basically it goes, get through high school, graduate college with a masters, marry a doctor, buy a home, establish a well paid job, and have three young  children by the age of 40. But, her plans went astray when she met my dad at a Rolling Stones Concert. She fell in love with the wild, med. student. He fell for the beautiful writer. They hooked up after a drunken concert and well, now they have me.

            My bedroom door suddenly swung open and my mom popped in the door. She was actually home before ten tonight.  "Are you getting ready? Your friend Annabelle called. She said she would be over in an hour in a half," She said in a bubbly, excited way.

            "Yeah I am starting  right now, mom". She sighed and closed the door. I was going to the junior prom tonight. I turned to the clock. 5:30. I stared once again at the cluttered mirror. Pictures of my friends and I stuck out all over the sides. Little notes in the corner of it written in expo marker by friends. The border of the mirror was green. A soft green to match the rest of my room. It went with my light blue walls, and brown bed spread.  The song suddenly switched to a Paramore song. "Only Exception" blared through my speakers and I thought of Blake. My boyfriend of three years. I went all the way through middle school without dating. I honestly wasn't that concerned with having a boyfriend like all of my friends seem to be. I began freshman year with little fear or worry unlike my friends again. I guess, I figured what could go wrong? I remember that day almost perfectly. The day my life changed. I actually saw the world outside of my own realm. Damn locker won't open. I sighed out loud in frustration. I tried the combination again and it still didn't work. I kicked the stupid thing. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. A boy about four inches taller than me, with brown side swept hair and blue eyes smiled at me. 'Need some help?' he asked.

            'You can try," I said. " But I doubt it will work." He took my combination from me, then pointed to something on the paper. It was the actual locker number. It said 857. I looked at the locker I was struggling with. It read 758. He smirked and led me to the right locker. I opened it with no struggle. "Thanks," I said as a blush covered my face. I looked up again and really took  in his whole body. He was wearing black nike tennis shoes, with a pair of loose fitting jeans that weren't to baggy. He had on a vertically striped long, sleeve t- shirt that was blue and white. He had pretty lips and a cute nose.

            "Ha, don't worry about it. It all happens to us. So, what's your name?" He asked as he walked to a locker about ten feet away from me. I remember admiring his confidence. It actually had kind of reminded me of myself.

Ellie Smith: SentryWhere stories live. Discover now