Ellie Smith: Sentry Chapter Seven

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I left the garage around six. I knew those guys and I would be seeing each other a lot. They reminded me of the friends I had back home. I mean sure, I had a few girl friends, but I related better to the guys. Not a lot of girls love cars, soccer, and guitars. They were all going to the social hour later. Trent, who was quickly becoming a best friend, told me that it was sort of like a school dance. They held it so all the new students could become acquainted with others.

            I went to dinner and got what they were serving. Tacos, my favorite. I spotted Amanda sitting with a couple of kids. I deliberated on whether or not to go up to her when someone ran into my shoulder and almost knocked me down.

            "Hey! Jerk, you almost knocked me down!" I said very frustrated. I turned around  and came face to face with Lambo boy.

            "Well you shouldn't of been standing in the middle of the cafeteria anyway. God, spacey much?" He said very annoyed. I stalked off getting very irritated of him. I always was irritated with cocky, arrogant assholes.

            I went over to Amanda's table, not having anywhere else to go. She smiled when she saw me. "Hey, sit down! I'll introduce you to everyone. This is Anna, Meredith, Clinton, and you already know Trent," She gestured to each person and they each waved. "So you going to social hour later?" She asked me. I nodded and finished chewing the mouthful of taco.

            "Yeah, the boys at the shop convinced me. Is it just casual dress or what? Your boyfriend wasn't very clear on that. When I asked him he just shrugged and started digging through my car," She laughed and playfully elbowed her boyfriend.

            " Well it's semi-casual. Whatever that means. I would wear a dress but not like a ball gown. Definitely not jeans, though," She said in a very thoughtful voice. I nodded and everyone continued with their previous conversations. I joined into one Amanda was having with the girl named Anna.

            "I don't know, they're just so weird. I mean they aren't anti-social, but I don't really see them ever talking with anyone but themselves. It's sort of strange really. They are always skipping out on class, but I never see any of them get in trouble. All the teachers love them to which is weird. And, I swear we were sitting in a study hall last year and it was completely quiet and that Malorie girl and Thomas boy were just sitting there staring at each other and starting cracking up laughing. The other two are just as weird," Anna said. You could tell she was a gossip, but she didn't actually seem snotty.

            "Who are they?" They both looked over when the saw I was listening to their conversation. Anna face lit up, probably because she got to gossip to new ears.

            "Well, they're these four kids that always hang around with each other. They are all like super talented. Like prodigies. It's these three boys and this girl. Thomas, Nick, Mathew, and Malorie.  They are super gorgeous and super weird. They all have this, like I don't even know how to explain it. Like if you're in a class with them, you always feel super relaxed," She rushed it out breathless voice. I more paying attention to how many times she said super then the actual story. I mean there were weird kids at any school. It wasn't anything new to me.

            "Huh," I said simply.

            "Yeah, but anyway," She turned back towards Amanda and continued on with her previous story. "I heard them all talking when I was walking down the hallway and they kept talking about "her" being here. They were super excited about it. I didn't get here the rest of it though because they walked into Malorie's dorm room," Every time she talked her head bobbed up and down and her long, straight black hair bobbed. She a Gun's and Roses shirt on, which wasn't my favorite band by far, and a pair of white skinny jeans. She had a black and white bow in the side of her hair and had a very emo looking, layered hair cut. Her appearance was completely contradictory to her personality unlike Amanda whose appearance matched her. Amanda was tall and slim had a runners body. She wore a t-shirt and jeans, which seemed to me to be a daily outfit for her. I found out that she was a runner and went running every morning. She told me I could run with her if I wanted to. We all exchanged cell phone numbers and I went back to my dorm alone.

Ellie Smith: SentryWhere stories live. Discover now