Ellie Smith: Sentry Chapter Eight

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"Well, first off I know this sounds totally overdone but, the world isn't what you think," I interrupted him there.

            "Don't tell me you’re a vampire. I seriously do not want to be in the same room as an Edward Cullen wannabe," I said in a sarcastic tone and he actually cracked a smile.

            "No, but you are going to think I'm crazy. I'm trying to think of the best way to explain this," He thought for a moment then began, "Okay, have you ever seen the Golden Compass?" I nodded my head." Well you know how they have 'dust' and it helps them travel between worlds and like, other dimensions". I nodded my head trying to figure out where he was going with this. "Okay well, there are other dimensions. They are real," I tried not to look at him like he was crazy. He must of notice the look on my face and went on. "Please just listen, then you can run screaming after. So, there are eight other dimensions besides this one. We call them galaxies. Each galaxy has a ruler so to speak. They are called the high priestess' and priests. And each galaxy has people called negotiators. That's where you and those four freaks come in. You see, you were chosen to be the peace keepers of this galaxy," I interrupted him there.

            "Why should I believe a word you're saying? Do you realize how crazy this sounds?" I questioned him again. What he said made no sense. Did he think we lived in some TV show on the Sci. Fi. Channel?

            "Please, let me finish and I will show you. Trust me," I looked up at his face and for some reason found sincerity in his eyes. I nodded and let him continue. "Well, anyway some of these galaxies, including yours, is part of this alliance. Supposedly the Alliance keeps peace between the nine nations. But there is also a rebellion. People who don't believe in the Alliance. It's your job to try and get them to become part of the Alliance. Now, I know this sounds crazy, but I can prove it to you. Come here," I hesitantly walked towards him. He grabbed my hand and when I started to protest he silenced me. We stood there for awhile and I was about to walk away when it happened. I felt this tug, like my skin was going to ripped away from my body. My hair whirled around my face like a tornado. I felt like I was being dragged through a wind storm and couldn't go quite fast enough to escape it. It suddenly stopped.

            I fell to the ground below me and held my head. I felt a presence beside me and looked up to see Oliver sitting beside me. "You okay? I forgot how it feels the first time. Trust me, next time it will be better," I just nodded my head and looked down again. After a couple of minutes the dizziness went away.

            "We're in Outering. It's one of the other galaxies," He held out his hand and helped me stand up. I finally was able to take in my surroundings. We were in a city. It was full of skyscrapers and reminded me of New York, except for the fact the all the buildings were bright colors. There was a building as tall as the World Trade Center and it was neon green. All the other buildings were just like it, except different colors like purple, pink and blue. The people were the same. They looked human except they were bright neon colors. Their skin flashed neon orange, while their hair flew around them in a color just as bright.

            "They're so...bright, colorful," I was astounded and at a loss for words. This meant that everything he told me, could be true. It could mean that humans were not the only life out there. That we were surrounded with life that we couldn't see.

            "Yeah, the irony of it all though, is that they are color blind," He began walking down a sidewalk that was bright yellow. "They are the most like us. In the way they act and think at least. They have jobs and raise families. They can feel emotions like us and have to eat and drink like we do. They are exactly the same, well, except for the colors," He told me in an informative voice. We walked a little further then turned on to a side walk that was orange. I looked all around me as we walked. The grass was purple, The sky was green. The sun was-

Ellie Smith: SentryWhere stories live. Discover now