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"Cut! That's great! Great job everyone. Lunch. Be back at two." he says. I check my watch and realize it's 1 o'clock. I look up and see Jenna walking toward me.
"Wanna eat with me?" she asks.
"Always." I say smiling.
"Okay. I'm just going to change out of Pam's clothes really fast." she says, walking toward the women's locker room. I nod and walk into the men's locker room and quickly change into jeans and a t shirt.
I walk out and wait for Jenna. She walks out in what she was wearing this morning and smiles at me.
"Ready?" she asks.
"Wait...I thought you were changing out of your Pam clothes. Do you...want me to wait? I can wait." I tell her, pointing to the women's locker room.
She rolls her eyes and pushes my chest playfully.
"Shut up. Jim wishes Pam dressed like this." she says.
"I bet he does." I say sarcastically. She laughs and walks toward the door. I follow her and we walk to my car. I open the door for her and get in the driver's side.
"Where to?" I ask, pulling out of the studio lot.
"I want like...fried chicken." she says, looking out the window.
"Fried chicken huh?" I ask. She looks over at me.
"What? You don't like fried chicken?" she asks.
"What? No I love it. Who doesn't?" She smiles and looks out the window again.
"You nervous?" I blurt out, immediately regretting it. She looks at me, blushing.
"Uh...yeah. Kind of." she admits. I raise an eyebrow and look at her.
"Are you?" she asks.
"Yeah." I tell her truthfully. She smiles softly and we continue the drive in silence. The lunch was filled with few words, mainly uncomfortable small talk. We arrive back to the studio with ten minutes to spare.
"It's just a kiss. Acting." she says. I nod and look at my shoes.
"Yeah. Just a short, simple kiss." I mumble. She nods.
"So I'll see you on set." I tell her quickly.
"Yeah see ya." she says, walking away. I change back into Jim's suit and hang out, waiting for 2 o'clock to hit. At 1:59, I walk out of the locker room and onto the set. I take a deep breath and sit in the chair next to Jenna. I smile at her reassuringly and she smiles back.
She looks over at the crew and her eyes widen. I look where she is looking and see nothing out of place.
"Jenna what i-" I say before she interrupts me.
"James. What are you doing here?" she asks. I look over and see a dark haired, dorky looking man with glasses on walking toward us.
"I came to see my girlfriend at work." he says smiling. He kisses her on the lips and I look away, suddenly jealous.
"Oh. Uhm. Okay." she says. He walks away and I look over at her.
"You alright?" I ask. She nods, looking at her drink.
"I just haven't told him about the kiss. And he's going to be here to watch it." she says. Before we can say anything else, Greg yells set.
"Jenna, don't forget, you're very drunk. We haven't seen drunk Pam before so give us your best." he says. Jenna nods as crew members set multiple empty beer and margarita glasses on the table.
"Action!" he yells. Jenna puts this goofy grin on and starts sipping an empty glass.
"I think this might be empty." I say, pointing at the glass.
"No, no. 'Cause the ice melts and then it's like a second drink." she says, pulling off the whole drunk thing. I nod and smile.
"Second drink?" I ask. The lines keep going flawlessly. I hold in my laughter when Kevin gets the award for stinking up the bathroom.
"Yay Kevin!" Jenna says, awkwardly clapping. She bounces in her seat. "Woo hoo for Kevin. For stinking up the bathroom!"
I chuckle and clap with her.
"Yeah. Alright Kev!" I say.
"Woo! Hey, I haven't gotten one yet." Jenna says. I laugh at her drunk acting.
"Speech! Speech!" Jenna chants when Stanley gets his award. Others join in.
"Well, well, last year, I got great work, so I don't-" he is interrupted by Jenna's drunk laugh. I feel my heart thump faster at the adorable sound. I blush and look down, my knee shaking as we get closer and closer to Pam's award.
"And this next award goes out to our own little Pam Beesly." Steve says. The camera moves to Jenna who's face goes from drunk excitement to sober realization.
"I think we all know what award Pam is going to be getting this year."
I look at the camera with a scared face.
"It is the 'Whitest Sneakers' award! Because she always has the whitest tennis shoes on!" Steve says.
"Get on down here! Pam Beesly ladies and gentleman!" he says. I watch as Jenna gets up and runs to grab her award and the mic.
"Oh here we go." Steve says.
"I have so many people to thank for this award." she says. I chuckle and continue to stare at her.
"Okay, first off, my Keds. Because I couldn't have done it without them. Thank you. Let's give Michael a round of applause for MC-ing tonight because this is a lot harder than it looks. And also because of Dwight too." she says. My heart beats faster as her speech comes to an end.
"Um, so finally, I would like to thank God. Because God gave me this Dundie."
I tilt my head and smirk.
"And I feel God in this Chili's tonight. WHOOO!" she yells into the mic, holding up her trophy. I laugh and clap.
"Pam Beesly ladies and gentleman." Steve says. Jenna hugs him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
"Oh thank you." he says. Jenna runs back to me and I pick her up in a hug. I set her down and she presses her soft lips against mine. She pulls back and sits down. It was quick, but it was everything.
Every feeling I've had of love or what I thought was love, pales in comparison to what I feel now. I am entering a dangerous zone with Jenna Fischer. I don't know how to stop my feelings for her and I don't know if I want to.

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