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Jenna's POV
It has been a few weeks since I shot that kiss with John and James still hasn't let me back in the house. I check my phone to see if he has returned any of my calls but he hasn't.
"Hey little Fish." John says, walking up to me. I smile at his nickname for me.
"Little Fish?" I ask smiling. He shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets.
"How are you?" he asks casually.
"Okay. He still hasn't answered my calls." I tell him. He gives me sad eyes and gently rubs my back before putting his hand back in his pocket.
"He didn't even give me the chance to tell him that it was in the script." I say, walking toward the building with John.
"He thought it was you kissing me?" he asks surprised. I nod and he sighs.
"Sorry about that." he mumbles. I smile and shrug.
"I'm sure he will get over it soon. I'm gonna go by the house again after work to see if he will talk." I tell him.
"Well then, I wish you luck, little fish." he says.
"Stop calling me that." I say, laughing.
We go our separate ways to get ready and meet again on set. We are shooting the first part of the finale today and the next part tomorrow and I have to admit, I'm kind of excited for Pam to kiss Jim again.
We run through each scene with only a few mistakes. There was this one scene where Dwight was talking to Jim and John was having a hard time keeping it together. He covered his mouth with his hand and made this really adorable high pitched squeak.
This caused me to laugh and John and Rainn's laughing followed quickly after. Overall, it was a pretty good day. The director even released us early!
I change into my street clothes and walk out of the changing room. John likes to call it the locker room, as if we are in high school. It's really just a community changing room...which I guess is essentially just a locker room.
"Hey little fish. Wait up!" John shouts. I blush and stop walking. He appears beside me and smiles. I smile back and we continue walking again.
"So, you're going to the house now?" he asks. I nod, grabbing my car key from inside my purse.
"Well, good luck. You gonna text me about it?" he asks.
"If I remember." I tell him, smiling up at him.
"If I don't hear from you by ten tonight, then I'll text you." he says.
"You really want to hear how it goes?" I ask with surprise.
"Yeah. You're my friend." he says smiling. The word friend feeling like a knife stabbing my heart. I hide my pain with a smile, knowing that I shouldn't be thinking of him as more than a friend anyways. He's married and I'm...well I guess it's complicated now.
"Alright. I'll be waiting for your text then." I tell him. He opens my car door for me and I get in. He closes the door and I roll down my window, allowing him to rest his arms on the door and poke his head in.
"I'll see you tomorrow Fischer." he says.
"See you tomorrow Krasinski...you know you should look into getting a shorter last name." I tell him as I start the car.
"I like my last name. You don't like it?" he asks.
"It's a mouthful. " I tell him. "But I guess it's not my name." I say, secretly wishing it was. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Goodnight." I say.
"No. No goodnights yet. You still have to text me." he says.
"Fine. Goodbye until ten." I say. He smiles and steps away from the car.
"Till ten." I back out of my parking spot and drive twenty minutes to the house I share with my boyfriend...if I can even call him that anymore.
I knock on the door and wait for him to answer. He opens the door in sweat pants and a shirt, his hair slightly disheveled.
"Did I wake you?" I ask quietly. He rolls his eyes and walks away, leaving the door open.
"James you just have to listen to me." I plead. He grabs a beer bottle from the fridge and goes to the couch. I look around and see multiple bottles and cans laying on the table and floor.
"I don't have to do anything." he mumbles, taking a drink.
"It was in the script. I would've told you but I just found out that day." I tell him. He rolls his eyes and stands up.
"Do you think I'm an idiot Jenna?" he yells. I jump at his outburst, considering he is usually very gentle and calm.
"No. Of course not. But you have to believe me." I tell him, grabbing his hands. He pushes me away.
"I know what's going on between you two." he says darkly.
"James nothing is-"
He smacks me across the cheek, cutting me off. Tears form in my eyes and my hand goes up to my stinging cheek.
"Don't you dare try to lie to me. Just admit that you're having an affair." he says, pointing a finger at me. I stare at him, still shocked at his actions.
"Admit it!" he shouts, chucking his beer bottle at the wall.
"I think it's time for me to leave." I say, walking around him toward the door. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I see John texted me.
Before I can reach the door, James grabs my wrist and yanks me back. I fall to the ground and look up at him.
"You're not leaving. Not until you tell me the truth." he says angrily.
"I am telling you the truth! There's nothing going on between me and John." I tell him.
"Fine. If you refuse to tell the truth, you'll just have to be punished." he says.
He grabs me by my hair and drags me up the stairs into the bedroom, where my worst nightmare came to life.

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