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John's POV
I open the front door and let her in before closing the door behind me. She looks around and then turns to me.
"Uh..could I uh...shower?" she asks.
"Oh! Oh course. Yeah I'm sorry." I say, walking up the stairs and grabbing a towel. I run back down and hand it to her.
"The bathroom is around the corner." I tell her, pointing to the hall. She smiles and walks in that direction.
I walk into the kitchen and make us both a cup of coffee. I grab the hot cups and walk into the living room and sit on the couch, turning the tv on. A couple of minutes later, I hear Jenna's voice.
"Uh, John..."
"I...do you have any clothes I can borrow? I got mine kind of wet." she says. I can hear the embarrassment in her voice.
I jump up and run upstairs and grab one of my t shirts and a pair of Emily's pajama shorts. I would grab one of Emily's shirts but she is very protective of her stuff. I mean I'm taking a risk just loaning out her shorts.
I walk to the bathroom and see it slightly open. I can see a glimpse of Jenna's bare back in the mirror before she wraps a towel around herself. I knock of the door, making her jump.
"I got some clothes. Do you need...uh...like underwear or..." I trail off, embarrassed.
"No I'm good. Thank you." she says as her hand pops out and grabs the clothes.
My eyes stare at the red mark that stains her porcelain skin around her wrist. Before I can get a good look at it, she pulls her hand back and closes the door.
I walk back into the living room and sip my coffee, the possibilities of how she got that mark running through my head. Maybe it's just a hair tie mark. Or maybe she and her boyfriend are into some kinky stuff...no. She isn't that type of girl. Or maybe she is...
"Thanks again, John."
I jump at her voice and turn around. She has a blanket wrapped around her body and she is looking at the ground, her hair covering her face.
"Yeah. No problem. Hey I made you some coffee." I say, holding her cup out. She continues to stare at the ground.
"Thanks but I...I'm just gonna go to bed." she says, walking up the stairs. I set the cups down and walk toward her.
"Jenna." I say seriously. She stops walking but doesn't turn around.
"Please. Just tell me what's going on." I plead, my voice cracking. She still doesn't turn around.
"You're my best friend Jenna. You're my best friend and something is happening. Something is going on that you're not telling me." I tell her. I watch as she slowly turns around, tears running down her bruised cheek.
"Jenna." I whisper, looking at the bruise on her cheek.
"John please..." she whispers.
"Who did this? Did he do this to you?" I ask.
"John please. He didn't mean it." she says, walking back down stairs.
I follow her and stop her.
"He didn't mean it? He didn't mean to do this?" I ask, grabbing her hand and pushing her sleeve up, revealing more bruises and the red mark I saw earlier.
"What did he do?" I whisper, tears forming in my eyes.
"It was my fault. Really. I tried to tell him that it...but he was yelling...I should've left when I saw the beer cans. I know how he is when he's drunk." she says, looking down.
"Has he done this before?" I ask.
"No! He hasn't. And he wouldn't hurt me when he is sober." she says, her eyes pleading with me.
I grab the blanket and gently tug at it. She lets it go and it drops to the floor. My hand flies to my mouth as I look at all of the other bruises. There is a dark purple hand print on one of her upper thighs. Red marks around both of her wrists and ankles.
"Can I ask you something?" I ask.
"What are these marks?" I ask, grabbing her wrist gently and rubbing the mark with my thumb.
"I..I don't think you want to know." she says.
"Please Jenna. I wouldn't have asked." I say quietly. I look up and see that she is fighting back tears. I wait patiently for her to compose herself before she looks back up at me.
"Rope burns." she says.
"Rope burns?" I ask with disbelief. "He tied you up?"
She nods, her composure falling and she begins to sob. I quickly pull her into a hug and rub her back.
"He did bad things to me." she sobs. "I was a virgin. And he took that."
My eyes widen as she opens herself up to me. I had no idea that she was saving herself for marriage. I pull back and look at her.
"Jen, we need to tell the police." I tell her. Her eyes widen and her breathing quickens.
"No! John please. Don't tell anyone. Please."
She starts to hyperventilate.
"Woah. No no no. Hey. Jenna we don't have to tell anyone." I tell her. Her breathing slows and she nods.
"I'm sorry...I should go." she says, grabbing her clothes.
"What? No. Why?" I ask, grabbing her arm to stop her from leaving.
"I don't want to be a burden to you...or anyone. So I'm just.." she trails off, opening the door, revealing the rain pouring into the dark streets.
"Please Jenna." I plead.
"I would feel safer if you were...if you just stay here." I tell her, following her out the door, the rain quickly soaking through our clothes.
"I'm sorry for...talking your ear off...and crying. I'm sorry." she says, walking down the street.
"Jenna stop!" I yell. She immediately stops walking and turns around.
"What John? Am I supposed to follow you back inside and crack some jokes and smile like everything is okay? I mean are we supposed to act like everything is okay even when it's not? Is that what people do?" she asks loudly.
"No. I'm sorry. I can't make you understand. I can't make you understand what's happening inside of me. I can't even explain it myself. You will never understand what it's like to go what I went through. It's the nightmares that too often become our reality. And I'm sorry for sharing my nightmare to you. I'm sorry for putting you through that. And I think it would be best if we...if we don't see each other anymore." she says quietly.
"What? What are you talking about Jenna?" I ask.
"I wish I could stay in your life, John. But I'm too much and not enough all at the same time. Take care John." she says, before turning around and walking away.
I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn't. I let her go.

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