Chapter 3-request

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(Y/N) pov
I get ready for what aphmau has to say "We want you to go to okasis and spy on them for battle information." I stand there for a minute and then walk away "H-hey you didn't answer the request" says aphmau. I respond "I am an assassin not a spy so i will say no, no matter how much diamonds you offer." I continue to walk away until she says something I didn't expect her to say "how about a home here in my village?" I pause and think about it should i, or should i not? Those are the things that keep going through my mind and finally i say "I'll have to say no, if i stay here i will cause more trouble than i already have" and with that i walk away. I look back at malechi and see that he looks heartbroken, and with that i run up to a tree and start jumping from branch to branch looking around. I see a tiny jail cell house and go in. I see a mei'fua and a shadow knight. They see me and the mei'fua specks up "Are you (T/N) ?" I just nod, and she smirks "well now that you are here, do you mind breaking the barrier barrier no wonder they haven't tried to escape so being the bad ass i am i break the barrier and they come out just for me to grab them tell them something "if you two do anything bad I swear i will hunt you down and slice your heads off with out mercy." I say darkly. They quickly nod and i make my ways to the gates just for the gate to shut on me i look up and see laurence i glare at him under my hood and ask him "are you going to open it" and he says "not until you admit it!" "Admit what?" "That you let OUR prisoners go!" I then respond "yes i let them go" he glares at me and jumps off the top if the gates and takes out his emerald sword, i just stand there knowing that he won't be able to kill me. Once he is close enough he brought his sword and stays like that for a bit only to backfire. He says "why did you do it?" I say "they've been in there for 3 years, and i sense good in them." He looks at me with guilt in his eyes and i say "can you please open the gates before i break them down?" Laurence nods and open the gates. I then go and look back to see that Laurence has a 'please don't leave' face I ignore it and walk away. I then whistle and my (F/A) comes. I smile and then say "there you are (P/N)." And she/he comes running/flying at me i grabbed them and hugged it ever so slightly so that I won't crush it. I then think of the last time i took a bath. And with that i think I haven't took a bath in a while so i when far away from the village until i found a good place to bathe. I began to take off all of my clothes and put them aside I quickly bathe and get out. Once I finished I decided to go for a walk. "I can sence you, you know?" The guy with the green scarf comes out from the darkness. "You have good senses." He complimented. I thank him and ask. "What are you doing here... Following me?" He replies. "Im not following, im observing your moves." "Same thing." I snap back. He smirks and says "we haven't properly introduced ourselves, im vylad, and you are..?" "(T/N)." I say. He then says "i mean your real name." "I know i can trust you." I say and he answers back. "How can you be so sure we barely met?" I think and say. "I can see through you, you are the silent, non-social type of person." He stares at me in shock for a minute and then his eyes softened. He then pulls down his scarf so i can easily see the rest of his face and a heart warming smile. "May you please answer my question now?" He says and I reply back "my name is haruka. Haruka shiriyuki." And i then pull down my hood to reveal my gray eyes, my (H/L) aqua hair with a few scars here and there on my face. I look up at him and see him like he saw a angel.

Vylad pov

I pull down my scarf and ask if she can answer my question. She then replys "Haruka. Haruka shiriyuki." What a beautiful name... Although it sounds a bit... Odd. I stay strong and keep my composure and say out of nowhere "you have beautiful eyes" i felt my cheeks heat up and see that she has a light blush. She then quickly pulls up her hood and puts her hair in the hood so i can't see it. She speaks up "it was nice meeting you vylad, but i have to go now, oh and please don't tell anyone about my name, ok?" I nod and she leaves. I stopped following her and just sat at a river bank thinking about her face. I've really fallen for her... Huh? I then drift off to sleep thinking about her.

Malechi pov
When (Y/N) said that we couldn't be together like old times it really broke my heart. Damn it im so stupid. I should have told her my feelings earlier before I died. I mentally scold myself. When mom asked (Y/N) to spy in okasis I really didn't want her to get hurt, but she declined the request and said that she is a assassin not a spy wow (Y/N). You have changed quite alot apart from your appearance. Mom also offered her a home which i was secretly hopeing she would agree. She declined. The things going in my head were what, no, i just got her back I can't lose her again. Before she left she looked at me and then looked back. I asked zoey if i can go exploring again alone. She thought for a second and said yes. I quickly followed (Y/N)'s aura she left behind. Her aura led outside the gates i went through a little passage under ground that i made and no one knows about. I found her in a opening with... Vylad??? They were talking about something that I couldn't quite make out. Face. Real. Please. Were the only things i heard. Im figuring that vylad wants to see (Y/N)'s face. A few minutes later she actually pulled her hood down to see a gorgeous face. I know its not her real face but she is always beautiful to me. She has a few scars here and there. When they parted ways I followed her in an opening where she went to rest i then make my presence noticeable and she quickly takes out her (F/W) i back up in fear and she quickly puts her weapon away and turns to me. "Malechi what are you doing here lord aphmau must be worried sick." "Yes but i have a confession to make." She had a confused look on her face so i just went out clear "I REALLY LIKE YOU (Y/N)!"

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