Chapter 8-love?

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Garroth pov
As people start to leave I go look for malechi. Where is he? I continue looking for him and finally found him near the irene statue. "Malechi." He turns around quickly and relaxes when he sees its me. "Do you know anything about (T/N)?" He stiffens then relaxed and says in a somewhat calm voice "no, but something is wrong." I nod my head and escuse myself. There is something definitely wrong with her. I decided to go check up on her. I make my way to the outskirts of the village. I then come upon a house with vines growing on it. Didn't she just build this? I shruged it off and look inside the window and see pitch black. I check another window and its covered with curtains, there is an opening though. I look through it and see (T/N) talking to herself. That sent shivers down my spine. I decided to continue looking, i then see a hallucination? I see (T/N) crying haunched up over a dead body that seems familiar "father don't leave me please!" It pains me to see her like this. Wait! What?! I barely even know her and im starting to fall for her?! I decide to go back to the guard station and get some rest.

///in da morning brough to you by all hetalia fans!! (Hetalia anyone!?)\\\

Malechi pov
I groan and hold my head in pain. I saw something weird, it was (Y/N) she was crying. A dream? I believe thats what mom called it. But it seemed so real. Im not going to pay much attention to it. As im about to head out i see dante going the direction to (Y/N)'s house with a light blush. I feel jealousy rising up, he thinks he can have her? I known her longer that you. I realized what i was thinking. I blush a deep scarlet, i probably looked like a tomato now. (Yandere!Malechi?) i should go see her though she must be stressed about yesterday. I start walking and take a short cut just to run into Vylad. I always found him intimidating. He's Garroth's brother but he looks really intimidating. He look down and studder "s-sorry! I wasn't looking w-where I was g-going!" I squeaked. He smiles and puts his hand on my head "its ok malechi." I can then tell he smiles under his scarf. That made me relax a bit. I smile back at him, and continue to go to (Y/N)'s house.

(Y/N) pov
"I can sence their emotions! They all love you~" angel says in a teasing voice. "What do you mean?" I reply to her. "Duh! The boys! You know Laurence, Garroth, Dante, Vylad and them!" "Oh?" I say slightly confused maybe i should ask father, he might know something. I go the the balcony and start to sing another melody. I get my powers by music it makes me less stressed.
Climbing out the back door,
Didn't leave a mark,
No one knows it you Miss Jackson.
Found another victim,
But no ones gonna find Miss Jackson. Jackson. Jackson.
Hey ey e ey.
Hey ey e ey.
Hey ey e ey
Hey ey e ey
You put a sour little flavor in my mouth now
You move in circles,
hoping no one's going to find out.
But whats so lucky,
Kiss the ring and let them bow down.
Looking for the time of your life.
I feel a gust of wind and see a hallucination of my father in front of me. Its not to clear but i can still make it out. "Yes my little demon?" He speaks first. "Father, I have a question and I need a answer." I say on one knee showing my loyaty to him. He waves his hand signaling me to stand up. "What is your question?" I take a deep breath making it seem it's serious. "What is love?" He seems surprised by this because he flinches and takes a small step back. He then chuckles "you are still so naive, love is a strong feeling or emotion you feel forward another person." I pull down my hood showing a bewildered expression on my face. "You mean like i love you?" "No, between us is a bond, what I mean is a romantic feeling between a mortal male and mortal female." I nod sort of understanding. He sighs "I have to go now, see you in a while." He smile and disappears. I then close my eyes and open them back up to find me on the ground surrounded by Dante and Malechi. "What are you guys doing here?"

Im so so sorry for the delay ive been with my family this break i had from school. Also a crap ton of school work. Tomorrow i will upload and new years special! So look forward to it!
Goodbye my dragons~

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