Chapter 7-party, a problem, and voices

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(Y/N) pov
I make my way back to lord aphmau's village and enter her house by her bedroom window. Seeing it was night time, she was asleep. Being the straight forward person i am, i decided to wake her up. I poked her cheek (a/n: i have a weird thing with pinching and poking my friends cheek) she just stirred. I poked her again, her hand shooed my hand away. I then decided to pinch her cheek. "OUCH!" It didn't startled me, i knew she was going to yell. She looked at me and yelled again, only softer. She whispered yelled "what are you doing here its the middle of the night!" I answered her question "i got information, its better if you see it yourself." She looked puzzled. I then gave her pictures of the plans and she was shocked. "This looks highly advanced, yet thank you we have what we need." She looked up from the pictures, just to see that i'm gone. "Well this is going to help a lot, thank you."

~tem skip brought to you by flying mint bunny~

(Y/N) pov
I wake up very late due to me spying late at night. I look outside my window and check the time with the sun. "Hmm about twelve past one..." i say to no one in particular. I proceed to my kitchen and get some bacon (*≧∀≦*) then i adjust my hood and go outside my house. I start walking around the village, it was oddly quiet. I grip my hidden dagger under my cloak. I continue walking some more until i reach the plaza, there are lots of decorations and fairy lights. I was about to leave when i hear a lot of people yell "WELCOME!!" I turn to see all the villagers including lord aphmau and the guards. I look at them confused but they don't know that due to my hood. It seems like they are waiting a response from me, so i tilt my head signaling them that i am bewildered. Then they sweat drop. Someone speaks up "welcome to the village!" It was lord aphmau. I was about to leave when Malachi tugged on my cloak with eyes that say 'please stay'. I was a bit hesitant and then nod slightly. I start cursing in a different language "(any language of your choice)." Malachi looks at me confused and i fake smile a bit and told him "don't worry about it." I go and sit down on one of the chairs that were there. There were people dancing. I saw two people, i believe their names where Donna and Logan. They were kissing. It sort of disgusted me but at the same time i thought it was cute, making me think that not everything in the world is filled with hate and darkness. The song changed to a slow song and couples starting going to the dance floor. I was slowly losing interest and started looking through my weapons. I checked my hidden dagger and saw a ton of blood still on it. I quickly hid it, if anyone saw it will definitely alarm them. I guess i spoke to soon. I saw Malachi right beside me eyes wide with horror. I gasp and slowly say "mala...chi." I reach for his face and surprisingly he doesn't run or back away, he just hugs me with tears. I was so confused until he says. "Lets go somewhere quieter" i nod and follow him up a hill where a statue of lady Irene. He then starts "why did you change so much?" I was a bit taken back is he concerned for me? I though "it's complicated" i told him. "But why? Why do you kill innocent people?! What did they do to you?!?!" He snapped back. I jumped a little by his sudden outburst and stared at him in shock unable to say a word. He realized he had yelled and apologize "s-sorry..." my gaze soften and i bent down to his level and caressed his cheek. "Its okay Malachi, i too have outbursts" he asks again "w-why do you kill them?" I then lie "what if i told you that they are bad?" He glances at me. I fake smile and stand back up. "Come on people might be looking for us" i extended my hand and he grabbed on. I started walking back down while in a deep thought sorry Malachi i can't tell you the real reason why i kill people i focused back again, there was still a lot of people dancing and the slow song was still playing. I sat back down and just waited it was boring but i handled it well. I started to singing out of pure boredom.
Welcome to the end of eras
ice has melted back to life
Done my time, And served my sentence
Dress me up and watch me die
If it feels good, it taste good
It must be mine
Dynasty, decapitated
You might just see a ghost tonight

And if you don't know now you know

I'm taking back the crown
I'm all dressed up and naked
I see what's mine and take it
(Finders keepers, losers weepers)
OoOh yeah
The crown
So close i can taste it
I see what's mine and take it
(Finders keepers, losers weepers)
OoOh yeah

I stopped right there. I felt a bunch of eyes on me. I opened my eyes to see literally everyone surrounding me. I panicked and jumped up to a nearby tree. I gripped my bloody dagger.

Garroth pov
I was casually talking with Laurence and Dante. Travis was probably hitting on Lucinda or Katelyn. I suddenly hear a beautiful voice singing a dark song. It sounds like a curse i followed the voice, it was (T/N), she was singing. I looked back at Laurence and Dante, they too were looking at her. I got caught up in the moment that when the time i noticed everyone was surrounding her. I guess she noticed, she got startled and jumped to the nearest tree. She really has a thing for trees. I thought to my self. She was gripping something i couldn't quite see. Then a red substance dropped to the floor. Was it her blood?! or somebody's else... I guess aphmau noticed to, her face showed confusion. So did Laurence and the others. She jumped higher up the tree to the point where we couldn't see her. I noticed Malachi had a worried face. Maybe he knows some thing. I didn't want to get him uncomfortable so i will ask him later.

(Y/N) pov
don't they know what i do for a living?! I slam my fist to my desk. "They just don't get it do they? I told them to! I clearly said 'I am a assassin not a spy' what do they take me for?! A idiot!?" I noticed i was speaking out loud. "I really need mental help" suddenly a sweet voice was in my head. "its ok, people go insane sometimes." It startled me "who is there?!" "The voices in your head dumb ass" another voice said only harsher "don't treat her like that!" The first voice scolded the second voice "why don't you kill Alex already?" Another voice said only more... sadistic? "Who are you people?" I said out loud, "My name is Angel, the nice and happy voice in your head!" Angle said with happiness. "My name is Alex, i'm the more, how do i say this? Mean? Bad? Angry? Whatever you get the idea." Alex said in a mean way. "So your a tomboy." I said, "Exactly." I like Alex already. "Don't forget about me! My name is naomi! I'm the insane version of you, I basically make up most of you!" Naomi giggles insanely afterwards. "So can you hear my thoughts?" I asked them "sure can!" Angle said "we are your thoughts" Alex said. "we will help you through this, you are already insane so you unlocked us, once you reach you full potential we will vanish." Angle says happily. "Aren't you afraid to vanish?" I asked her, "of course not, why would we be? After all we will just guide you and in some occasions control you" i nodded, "I won't get to control you all the time, only when the final battle comes, ItS gOiNg To Be A bLoOd ShEaD.

Wow the most words iv'e ever done. Oh um guess the song! I love it! If you are confused with the voices look below!
They are all girls, keep that in mind.

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