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One of my friends had written about what existence is, but I am not here to talk about what they wrote, but something different.

(I am severely disappointed in myself because I am typing this with McDonald's Wi-Fi.)

OK, so first off, what is existence.

Well, let's start with what we know.

Something that exists is something that we can physically touch, taste, smell, or whatever bodily functions we can use to interact with them.

(I can think of about 8 different ways we can interact with stuff around our reality)

Anyway, I want to start with what I have theorized what could be a possibility, but I just shoved it to the side where I labeled it as one of my stupid moments.

So, I'm going to go with two sides of this theory. One from our perspective, and one from... theirs.

So, we are out into a simulated way of life, where "they" throw things at us to see how we react.

This is what we call "life".

With this life, we all live a very different one.
Nobody gets to have the same one.

Whether you were thrown into a life of being able to be one of those cliche snooty rich people, or you were born as a fraternal twin with another, it's all different. If people are thrown into the same situation, they react differently because of other situations thrown at them from the past.

For example.
You have had a nice life.
You grew up in a nice family of 5, including you, you're parents, and two siblings, what gender they are doesn't matter.

Now, you grow up, went to college, had a lot of school fees, graduated, got a job, lived happily for a few years.

Then your walking down the street one day, and Bam!

Someone tries to mug you.

What do you do?

You stay calm.

Remember your training from when you were a child.

You judo flip them.

Then walk away, having had a new experience for your life.

Now meet the other you.
You lived a traumatising life.

You were abused by your drunk father for not having set up your sisters care bears straight when you were cleaning up HER room.

You were mentally and physically abused all throughout your life.

Then you meet a special someone.

You get married.

Then he gets health problems that causes him to have periods of time where he treats you like a piece of shit.

Then when he comes back around, he pretends that it didn't happen because he doesn't remember it.

Do you just get over it?

Of course not.

So now you still live a traumatic life.

Your children are too lazy to do anything, so you do all of the work around the house.

Then one day, you go shopping.

You're walking down a street then Bam!

Someone tries to mug you.

What do you do?

You start to hyperventilate and have anxiety attack as you remember your father chasing after you to give you a heavy beating for not giving him some money that you earned from helping an old lady who happens to be your neighbor.

See what I mean?

People will react differently because of what they have been given from life as they developed into the person they are now.

So now, your being given random situations, but why.

Because "they are experimenting on you.

On us.

OK, back track.

There are two sides of this, One is us, the other is "them".

So who is "them"?

That's what this theory is.

So, you are now one of "them"

You go into your lab with humans in septic tubes as they are attached to all sorts of cords and whatever.

Do humans have humanoid bodies?

Who the hell knows.

Anyway, you go to test on your subjects, but each of their bodies live in a different "universe".

Something different about each one.

There's even one where I'm funny.

Anyway, they live in these different environments where they are thrown into different settings.

Maybe Humans never existed in this persons Universe.

This universe is over-run by a necrotic virus were they call the infected "zombies"

Or maybe they live in a universe were Adolf Hitler left from an important speech he made by stepping first with his left foot instead of the right.

I'm saying that there is an endless amount of different universes that can be made, but there isn't.

There is a universe where all if your favorite otp's will become canon.

The number is just so high though, that we can't even comprehend it.

Literally, the differences are so little to so large, it's impossible to imagine what all is going on.

So, humans are thrown into testing tubes with a simulated world, but not the real one.

Hell, maybe in one of the universe's from a test subject, they escaped the Septic tank and got somewhere.

In another one, I started off this theory by putting a "?" at the end of the first line, instead of a period, like I was supposed too.

So what do we do about it.

Nothing, what can we do?

It's like that fruit I ate earlier, it was inevitable that I was going to eat it, but it also wasn't.


Thanks for reading this to the end, and I hope you have lived a less traumatic life than the person mentioned above.

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