I don't know what to talk about, so I thought that since I didn't, it was the perfect time to try and make another rant thing.
So, since I don't know what to talk about, I need to look around and find something.
Let's look around my tiny bedroom because I live in an apartment.
Random collectables? No...
My closet? Maybe some other time...
My wall? YES!
That is perfect.OK, so walls have have way more purposes that just one.
1.) They keep the fresh air outside, because that's gross
2.) They can keep things on it, but only after you pound on it with a really thin piece of metal, and an oddly shaped tool.
3.) They keep you ex from California (even though you've never been out of the state) from breaking in, without that wrecking ball that she is bringing in right now.
4.) You can stare at it, and if you have two walls that are side by side in an 86* angle, you can Blare Witch with it.
5.) Tape
6.) You can break them open, and find materials in them, like wires, and foam, and dry wall!
7.) You can put stuff by them, like a stereo system, that is blaring House of Memories.
8.) They can prevent you from getting diseases, like keeping somebody that has Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease away from you
They also have negatives also, like.
-1.) Having corners
-2.) They get in your way, and sometimes they move, granted it's because of your ex from California, but whatever.
-3.) There is an Eevee in the bathroom, but somebody is in there, and ate Chipotle.
-4.) being too thin, and you can hear your sisters TV blaring Friends every two seconds, and they leave it on all night, not only wasting electricity, but also keeping you up all night, or at least until you get up and turn it off yourself, but what's more important, your sleep, or laying on your bed, wasting electric, but then again, your wasting electricity by laying on your bed, and are always on your phone, doing nothing but reading crappy cliché stories on Wattpad, and also ranting, because you have nothing better to do with your life. Mostly because you aren't like other people, by many things, like...
1.) You're not athletic
2.) You have terrible luck, not only by what happens to you, and what you do, how you do it, and why, and what happens after, trying to explain it, and just being, but also because of where you you put in life, whether most people were born in a nice home, and have parents that can help you with whatever, or you have your bad luck, and you land in a very crowded apartment, with your father barely being physically capable of doing anything, except getting into the car, to go get pop, or your mother having mental issues, which guess what, got passed down to you, not necessarily genetically, but you adapted problems yourself.
3.) You stay inside on the internet, eating food left and right, because it's just sooooooooo good. Seriously, food is just great, it's one of Arceus's gifts to us. So you become an introvert, and then your mother decided that you don't have enough friends, even though you have enough, granted that enough is mostly that voice in your head, and yourself, but you may be lucky enough to have friends outside of the pscycological world.
4.) You attempt it write a letter to companies that make tables, and try to convince them that they should chop off the corners, but of course, with your luck, they keep the corners, and they don't even send you a letter back.
5.) Your hero is different from everyone else's, while their hero's cone from Marvel, or DC, or whatever, your heroes are people like Brendon Urie, and Alec Lightwood.
You have other problems, but you don't want to put then on a rant on Wattpad.
Anyhow, I don't know what to talk about.
I know, how about Reach Out!
You know what, I don't want to talk about Reach Out.Anyway... existential crisis's are fun to go through. Granted, my life is one big one, but whatever.
Dang it, my ear buds are broken now...
Life sucks.
Thank for read, bye.

I Rant On About Crap
SonstigesI Rant On About Crap. What Crap? Just Crap. If you get offended, it's not my fault, it's yours.