- Ok, so I wanted to write my own biblical adventure, on how the world started, just to see how easy it is to write such a story.
- So, this is it.
- I'm writing a random story that doesn't have a lot of science involved, and almost 100% is impossible to happen...
- But you never know
In the beginning, there was chaos.
This chaos formed together, and made a big bang.
The Big Bang.
When the big bang happened, there wasn't any noise.
Actually, there wasn't even color.
All that was there, was existence, somewhat.
So it's like the big bang, but without the planets and other space-like objects in the empty void that is space.
Anyway, space was all that existed, but stars and any other mass-induced objects didn't.
It was just vacuum.
The vacuum that is space.
Since it was all a giant vacuum, but vacuums don't exist, there has to be a focal point, right?
So, since there was a point to where the vacuum that was space was sucking up to even more, you could see a very, very small hole.
It was ridiculously small.
Smaller than a quark.
Just that small.
Anyway, through this hole, you could go through it, if you were tiny enough.
But matter doesn't exist yet, so hold your horses.
But you don't have a horse, because they don't exist.
But guess what?
You don't exist either.
Anyway, on the other side of this hole, is literately chaos. It's incomprehensible what is exactly going on there.
Just act like this is one of those very dark, and mysterious places, because it is.
So don't talk about it, or I will arrest you through the screen.
Anyway, everything there is just backwards. Instead of air, you have mass.
You can't walk anywhere, because you can't walk.
If you were to try, you would crawl, backwards, upside-down, and facing the other way.
So don't even try to theorize what is going on here.
Now, back to our side of the hole.
Now, since this hole is connected to that... place on the other side, it's vacuuming up what is over there, to our side.
This is how we started to get mass.
As we actually started to collect mass, it wouldn't come out of the hole, because existence, doesn't completely exist yet.
So, since existence doesn't yet exist, the matter is still collecting up in the hole.
Once the hole has filled up what do you think happens?
Does it start to pour the matter back into the other side?
Because there is no space to make room for the mass that has started to collect into the hole.

I Rant On About Crap
RandomI Rant On About Crap. What Crap? Just Crap. If you get offended, it's not my fault, it's yours.