A leopard never changes it's spots // 반점

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Jungkook's pov

It was harder than i thought. I made up my mind to apologize to her one week ago. But here i am, acting like i don't really care when i actually do. (just a little) The week passed without us talking to each other. It was just merely, "Hi", "Is there homework for today?" or "Okay, bye". I just couldn't bring myself to talk to her because i'm not usually the one who initiates the conversation... in fact, i never once did after what happened to me and my ex-girlfriend... I didn't feel like conversing with people anymore except my hyungs, whom i knew was always there for me, no matter what happened. But, talking to another human being was really hard for me.

It was a chilly sunday morning and i was out jogging in the park despite the weather. I needed to empty my thoughts...

Just then, i saw two familiar figures walking in my direction. They both looked really happy, talking and blabbering on about life.

Should i take this opportunity to apologize? But Ha Young is there too...


I swiftly pulled down my hoodie and jogged past them while looking down. Ugh. Why didn't i stop to ask for her time? I felt so useless. I stopped jogging, flagged a cab and headed to the dance studio at downtown. Dancing always does wonders. Every time after i dance, I'd feel as good as nothing bad ever happened to me. (In short, it clears my mind from everything)

I opened the door and heard music playing.

"Ya, Jungkook! Why are you here? It's a sunday and there's no practice." Jiming hyung scratched his head and walked towards me.

"I just wanted to dance." I replied coldly to my favourite hyung. I guess he could sense that i was in a bad mood because he didn't pry further and let me use the studio instead.

"I'll be in the bath! Let's go for dinner later okay kookie ah? Hyung hasn't been hanging out with you in a while." he pouted at me cutely. I pondered for a while and nodded my head, watching him go inside the bathroom and then i started dancing.


"Woah! Looks so appetizing!" Jimin hyung exclaimed as the food we ordered finally came to fill our empty stomachs.

I nodded livelessly and began eating. Jimin hyung put vegetables onto my plate. I smiled lightly as i thought myself "some things never change". I felt bad for not telling Jimin hyung about it when he cares about me so much. Whenever something happened to me, he was the first to realise and was always readily there by my side.

"Ya hyung..."

Jimin looked up with a surprised expression.


"When we do something wrong, we must apologize right?"

"Of course! Ya kookie, what happened?... Tell hyung. Maybe i can help?"

I told Jimin everything that happened and he put his index finger to his chin and rubbed it thoughfully.

"Hmm, i think you should be a man and aplogize to her! After what you did, you still acted like it was nothing to you but you actually care right! If not you wouldn't be sitting here talking to me about it.....?"

Right, i really need to get this over and done with.


It was lunch time at school and i saw my opportunity to call her out and finally apologize to her. (I hope) After 30 minutes of thinking of how to go about doing it, i walked to the cafeteria to look for her. I searched high and low for a familiar looking face but i couldn't find it.

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