Dream // 꿈

32 9 3

Na-eun's pov

I smiled at him with tears still falling and grabbed his hand as he pulled me up.

My ankle was swollen by now and the pain was excruciating to bear. (once again i'm not good at bearing pain)

It was so painful i could barely walk. Holding onto his arm for support, i tried walking. After walking one step, i stumbled and almost fell. But he grabbed my sleeve in time, thankfully.

He bent down into a squatting position. It took me a full three seconds to realise what he was doing. He looked at me over his left shoulder and beckoned me to get onto his back.

I blushed hard and looked down at my feet.

"But i'm really heavy..." after hesitating for a while, i got onto his back anyway.

As he lifted me up, my grip on him tightened, making me hug him like how koalas hugged bamboos.

"Geez Na-eun you're so heavy i'm about to die from carrying you" he complained.

"Yah... i already told you..." i smacked his shoulder with my right hand and realised i had just contradicted myself.

"I'm just kidding, if you were heavy, i'd be an elephant already"

I had no idea why but i blushed harder at his comment. Everything felt like deja vu at that point of time. It was like i was reliving my camp days. (where he carried me bridal style to the infirmary) He had changed so much compared to back then. He'd become so much more friendly and heart-warming to be with than a few months ago.

I feel so clumsy, now that i realised how many times i actually injured myself and having people clean up after me. I looked to the side and blushed a shade deeper as he carried me without any complains.

"We're here." he sighed and i nodded my head and hummed against his back. I was in a comfortable position then - my cheek was lying on his shoulder blade.

His back was so comfortable that i didn't want to leave. Sensing my unwillingness to get down, he walked further into the alley, towards apartment to my door step.

"Do you have your keys?" Jungkook glanced back at me.

I slowly fished my house keys out from my bag and handed it to him. He swiftly opened my door as i was still lying down on his back.

He closed the doors and walked further into my house.

"Which way?"

"To your right" i gestured and he followed.


"You do have a nice room, Na-eun" Jungkook said quietly as he took off my shoes and set me down comfortably on my bed.

He sat at the corner of my bed, just beside my arm. I looked at him sleepily.

"You know, you're alone in your house with a man and all you can think about is sleeping?" he slightly smirked.

My heart fluttered but i was really tired to feel anything then. I tried to stifle a yawn but i obviously failed. "I'm really tired, Jungkook. And you're not a man." i said as i yawned for the second time.

He giggled and sighed after that.

"Alright, i'll show you who's the man next time but goodnight for now, princess."

I wasn't so sure of what happened just then. I felt something warm and wet touch my forehead for a mere 3 seconds.

Was i dreaming?

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