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     My mind was stuck in a loop, playing that conversation in my head over and over. My questions all seemed futile. I was no closer to grasping this second world than I was before. Out the balcon doors I could see a beautiful blue sky, stretching wide without a cloud. I grabbed my cloak climbed down the lattice next to my balcon, dropping myself onto the ground. I found myself in a labyrinth of rose bushes and flowers. Their delicious scent floated into my nostrils and I inhaled, sighing. Gardens have always made me relax, I loved flowers, and trees, and nature. Without realizing it, I sank to my knees on the plush green grass.

          "You are even more beautiful than in your last life, ma reine," A low, melodic voice mused and my eyes snapped open, but I could not bring myself to turn.

       "Merci, Monsieur." I willed my voice to come out clearly.

       Cold fingers brushed my exposed neck and I shivered. I had felt that before--

     *Flashback* His cold fingers brushed the back of my neck and I shivered, for it was not an entirely unpleasant feeling. "You know that the bond between us is too strong to ignore, ma reine," he lifted my chin so I could look into his icy blue eyes "I need you to choose me. To let me love you like only I can, Déesse. Just let me hold your heart for long enough to prove I love you more than he does." I turned my face away and gazed over to the darkening horizon. "You don't want me," I whispered. His cold hands pressed to the sides of my face and his mouth was on mine quickly, hungrily ravishing my lips. I gasped as his hand found the small of my back, which was bare in what I identified as Egyptian garb. He smiled and--

       I came back to the present with a gasp and looked up to see that same madman's smile and those same cold, calculating blue eyes. He held out his hand and I found myself threading my fingers through his.

        "Memories, Madamoiselle?" A mischievous quality dashed into his voice and I blushed, mumbling a quick affirmative.

        "So you know who I am, then?" He sits down next to me and leans back on his free hand, playing with my fingers.

       "I believe so."

       His look was that of a child who was just told something was a surprise and was waiting for the explanation.

        "You are Kieran. My second compagnon, and my soul's eternal mate," I couldn't help the skepticism that crept into my voice and he frowned.

        "You do not sound very happy about that."

        I sighed "Not particularly."

        "Were you happy when you found out Vincent was yours?" His look was incredulous and I could tell that he was hurt by the imanent answer.


        "Of course. You always did favor the one who found you first. Something about the bond being stronger to pull you together or something." His tone was disgruntled, like he'd just been told he would have to wait another month for his clothing to be properly tailored.

      "I have had quite enough of people telling me what I always do. It is infuriating to think that one only thinks of me as a string of strange quirks and miscombobulations." It was my turn to frown and he laughed.

       "Ma riene, you have not changed a bit." He smiled and combed through my hair with his long, nimble fingers "Though, this hair is a tad different from your usual. You are usually-- no, that's the wrong word. You are always blonde."

         I found myself taking insult from that and he sensed my hurt "Non non, Madamoiselle. I for one, like this better." I realized that with his raven locks and pastel eyes like mine we would make a striking pair. I shoved the notion away indignantly.

        "It does not matter." I whisper and turn towards the nearest flower, staring at it.

         "Ah, votre chevalier has lead you to believe he always gets madamoiselle, has he? I am obliged to tell you that there have been instances where that was not the case. In some lives I do believe you loved me."  His voice portrayed grievous longing.

        "Why would I? You're evil." I said hesitantly.

        Grim laughter erupted from his gracefully curved lips "I may not have the strongest moral compass, but I am not evil. You were my moral compass and when I lose you every 50 years, there were bound to be a few casualties. I need you to keep me from evil," He turned me gently to face him "I need you, period."

        My heart picked up pace and I felt something I had before. It was the same feeling I had with Vincent. The same feeling I had before I--. Before I knew it I was leaning towards his face. He closed the distance between us quickly and his lips came crashing down on mine. Unlike Vincent's kisses which were gentle and loving, Kieran's kisses were rough and passionate. It was like our mouths were locked in a passion-filled battle for dominance. In the end I yeilded to his, molding my body to his. I gasped against his lips as his cold hand found my ankle, and he rubbed his thumb along my calf. His lips moved to my neck where he layed a trail of kisses untill he reached Vincent's marque. He moved to the other side of my neck and I felt a sharp pain as he, too, bit me.  My lips found his again and I asked him between icy kisses "What did you do?"

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