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True to Oceàne's word, I heard two quick raps on my chamber door immediately after she left "Déesse, may I come in?" Vincent's voice drifted softly through the room and I called out a quiet affirmative.

        He entered quietly and sat on the corner of my bed "I know you would like answers." I almost laughed, it was such an understatement "I am prepared to give them to you, as long as you promise me one thing," I swallowed and nodded "Promise me you will keep an open mind?"

          I took a deep breath and nodded, biting my lip. I leaned forward and do something I was told an unmarried girl should never do. I kissed him. I felt his surprise as his lips were stiff, I could tell he was not expecting such enthusiasm. Soon he relaxed and his hand went to my waist, pulling me closer to him. My lips were on fire and the heat spread over every place in my body, driving me furthur. My mouth parted and I felt him catch my lower lip between his teeth. I almost moaned at the similarity between this moment and my dream as his hands slid up my curves and his lips moved feverishly against my own. Damn my need for air. I pulled back with a gasp, my chest heaving as I stared into his eyes.

        He swallowed "What was that, mon ange?" He asked quietly and brushed some of my hair behind my ear.

        I flushed and averted my eyes "I do not know."

        He smiled knowingly "Would you like to ask your questions now?" I nodded and extracted myself from his arms, moving to sit a few feet away.

       I took a deep breath "What are you, Vincent?" I whispered and he grimaced.

       "According to 'myth' I am what you might call a vampyre."

      I breathed in sharply but nodded, telling him to go on "I drink the blood of humans, and I am in turn, as close as is possible to immortal. As the more accurate legends have stated, I may only be killed by a wooden stake, fyre, or behedding." He sighed at my expression of mild horror "And you, mon ange, are my compagnon. Every vampyre has one, though you and I are the only ones in history to find eachother. In saying this, we have a reoccuring story, one that is threaded throughout human history. The only thing missing from the story at this point is your compagnon."

         He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes "You are the only human to have a sentenced compagnon at all, let alone two. Two vampyres share Le lien de l'âme sœur with you. He and I have competed since the dawn of time for your heart, and, though I often win, it results in many a bloodbath. The Trojan war started because of you," He smiled ruefully "We are the triangle amoureux to end them all. His name is Kieran. He is one of the darkest vampyres in history and his rampages were often the result of failed plays at your heart. He loves you--as much as it pains me to say--as much as I do, maybe more, but his love leans mor towards devotion and obsession." I struggle to proccess this.

       "Can you explain to me what a compagnon is?"

       "A compagnon is a person's paranormal soul mate, one that was created for them and vice versa. You share a special bond that can only be the result of magique. This bond labours against the world to bring the compagnons together, between incarnations and across continents. The affected will feel a certain pull to a place, somewhere they will come in contact with their compagnon. Granted the bond does not always succeed, it usually does not, in fact. As I said, Kieran and I are the only ones who have succeeded in completing our bond's purpose, but not even we find you in every life." He frowned "Our lives have both been devoted to changing you so you may be with one of us for eternity, and cut out the half century that we spend waiting for you, that way you may choose knowing the entire story behind out 'tortured love' as you once called it. Melodramatic doesn't even cover you," I could tell that he was smiling despite himself, and it was contagious. I felt my lips twitch upward in response.

       My mind struggled to keep up with all the information "I have no idea who this Kieran is."

       He grimaced "You wouldn't, not yet. He hasn't found you yet, but now that I have marqued you, he will."

        I bit my lip "What exactly does this...marque mean?"

        "It symbolizes our connection. It makes your blood less appealing to other vampyres, as a way of protection. Unfortunately it also puts you in every vampyre's mind within a thousand kilometer radius as my human. Mine and mine alone, which some sick bastards see as a...challenge."

        My breath slowed almost to a stop "Your human." My mind was still processing the fact that he wasn't human "So I'm less...appetizing?"

        He nods and I swallow "You have to change me." I said quickly.

        "Pardonnez-moi?" He asked loudly "You do not even know what we are, what being a vampyre entails!"

          "No I do not, that is true." I know my face had taken on it's determined set "I do know, however, what being a human entails. I know it entails sickness, and injury, and vulnerability, and eventually death. I also know that being a vampyre would solve all those problems. I know what you have told me, that there are some vampyres--dangerous ones--that see me as a challenging dinner. That Kieran will try to kill me if I don't choose him, and I venture to guess, that if I'm killed as a vampyre I will not reincarnate. End of tortured love story. I do not think he would risk that, the end of all his chances, if I was immortal." I could tell by his expression that I was right "I also know, Vincent, that immortality would mean--and this is the most important thing--an eternity with you."

        His dark eyes went wide and I noticed, for the first time, that they were a disconcerting shade of violet. The next few moments seem to last a century, as his thumb stroked my cheek, I realized I had tears flowing down them. His lips brushed against my eyelids and he pulled back "I love you, Déesse L'Angiqué."

        A chord struck in me that made me say the most unexplainable yet true thing anyone had ever said in the history of mankind, paranormal or otherwise "I love you too, Vincent. Je T'appartiens."

        I saw tears form in his eyes and they spilled over his thick lashes "In all our lifetimes, even ones in which we were married," I gulped at the connotations of that "You have never told me those words."

        "I am willing to wager, Vincent, that you never explained to me enough to give me the chance," I was crying enough to fill the Seine now. His mouth opened as if to say something, but he shut it quickly. We sat in silence for a moment before he opened it again.

        "I love you so much, Déesse, mon ange, but I cannot allow you to make such a life changing decision, not yet." And with that, he kissed my forehead and left without a second glance.

Authors Note: Hmmmm all kinds of things happening, eh? So there's Vincent--who turns out to be overprotective as fudge and a party pooper--and Kieran. Who is Kieran, you ask? You may or may not find out more in the next chapter...meheheh, you'll just have to see. What the fudgenuggets is going on, you ask? Honestly. I have no clue what so ever. If you're reading this right now, which you probably aren't, then just know....... I. WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUUUUU XD

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