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      The château was bigger than I remembered. I breathed in the scent of unfamiliar-famiarity in the small garden, catching the sharp, tangy smell of blood. Then I did the only thing I could think of to do. I went to the front door, and I knocked. A petite domestique appeared at the doorway, and it took all my will power not to kill her. Her blood had the aroma of citrus and sugar, not an unpleasant combination, but I managed to resist. Her eyes went wide and I could tell she was struggling to maintain propriety.

      "Bon jour, how may I help you?" She said shakily and gave me a small smile.

      "Tell Franques someone very important is here to see him." I didn't know how I knew the man's name, but I supposed I was right by her hurried nod. She turned, leaving the door wide open as she ran up the stairs. I stepped through the doorway and remembered a million things at once. My childhood, holidays, beautiful dresses, my mother, my bastard brother. Speak of the devil and in he walks. I thought as Franques descended the grand staircase, taking in the new, more entitled air he wore with a snort. His eyes roamed over my flesh, and I could tell by the lustful gleam in his eyes that he didn't recognize me.

       "My servants tell me that a beautiful, mysterious woman appeared from the woods as if by magic." His voice was low and contained signs of jest "Of course, I myself thought she was insane, but here you are." He kissed each of my knuckes softly and I growled.

       "Do not insult me, monsieur." Venom laced my words as I jerked my hand out of his grasp "I may look different, but 17 years of hatred cannot be overpowered by beauty."

       He realized the meaning of my cold words and actions, and his fish-colored eyes went wide "Déesse?"

       "Yes, Franques, it is me." I sneered and shook my hair out of my face.

       "What happened to you? You look...different." His eyes raked over my body again and my lip curled in disgust.

        "I am different." I walked slowly towards the salon, hearing his pulse quicken at the seductive sway of my hips "In fact, my very existence is one you would call impossible."

        He let out a nervous, braying laugh "What on Earth do you mean?"

        I was on him in an instant, my hand holding his pale throat and his body pressed against the mantle of the fireplace. His eyes grew cloudy and I could feel the erratic thrum of his pulse beneath my fingers and smell his blood. His scent was the first I had encountered that was unappetizing, but I would not hesitate to bite and drain him like a glass of wine "Do I seem normal to you? I have no reason at this moment not to rip your throat out with my teeth." I growled.

        "It took all my will and the fact that I've just killed an entire quarter of Paris not to drain that poor maid of her lifeblood, but I will not hesitate with you." He let put a strangled gasp as realization dawned in his eyes and I sneered "Yes, that means what you assume, Franques. I am a vampyre." I dropped him, but he pressed himself against the wall further.

        "You are a--" He rasped, rubbing his throat, he pulled a crucifix out of his doublet and held it in front of him "Get thee back, Satan!" He boomed.

        I laughed and plucked the silly thing from his grasp, studying it "So this is your plan? I think not, brother." I said the last word with disgust "Give me one reason not to kill you. Just one and I shall leave."

        He opened his mouth but his voice but his was replaced with a lovlier lilt that I knew all too well "Because we have more important matters to atttend to, ma reine." I turned around with a smile the size of a crescent moon.

       "Kieran! How frightfully I missed you!"

       "And I you, now please. Let us be done here." He held out his hand and I took it, stepping away from Franques without a word and running with him into the forest.

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