Se Souvenir

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I wandered through the halls as I had no luck getting back to sleep. My feet made no sound as they trod lightly across the marble. Every door I passed looked the same, a solid, plain mahogany door. Not to say the wood was not beautiful, but I expected

more out of a palais. I sighed, hoping to find more granduer, perhaps something equal to the great hall? I rounded a corner and stopped, hearing hushed voices and seeing Vincent's back, I pulled back and ducked into an alcove.

       "She is not ready for this yet, Oceàne." He growled and I heard on exhasperated female sigh.

       "You need to do it Vincent, and soon."

       He laughed darkly and I saw his hand run through his honey blonde hair "Why on Earth do I need to rush?"

       "Every moment you put it off is another moment that He gets closer to finding her. Then he'll kill her if she will not have him-- and you know she won't --leaving you, either way, to wait another century for her next incarnation. You have to change her, or else this life will turn out exactly like all the others."

       His head hung slightly "How could I do that to her, Oceàne. I don't want her to be a monster, and you know with her personality and temper she will be almost impossible to controll." His voice was barely above a whisper.

         "We'll just have to make sure there are plenty of humans for her to drink when she changes." Her reply was low and fierce "I will not have the only person who was ever kind to me as a human dead again."

         "She isn't the same person," he said quietly.

         "Like hell, Vincent! Her memories may have changed, but she is still the girl that saved me from my master." her voice broke and I could swear she was crying.

        He embraced her and she sobbed into his shoulder "I need her to live, Vincent! I cannot stand to see her die again."

        "I know, Oceàne. I will tell her in the morning, then she may choose her own fate."

        I ran back to my chambers, tears flowing freely down my cheeks. What does this mean? My mind is like someone who has been drawn. It was like someone had tied four horses to my head and they had all ran in different directions. I slammed my chamber door shut and leaned against it for support. What have I gotten myself into?


       Sunlight streamed in through the glass doors to the balcon and I groaned into my pillow as Oceàne's cheerful voice entered the room. I sat up silently as she prattled on about how the prince was so taken with me. At some point I suppose she realized that my silence was unusual.

        "Mademioselle, what is wrong?" Worry tinged her soft, melodic voice as she sank down to the edge of the bed beside me.

         I could not comprehend why tears suddenly decided to make their way out of my eyes, and a tortured sob escaped my throat "Why do I need to change, Oceàne? What are you?"

        Her dark eyes went wide "Mademioselle, I have sworn not to tell you anymore. Trust me when I say I would, but an oath of magique is not one to break."

        I screamed and buried my face in her dainty shoulder "I'm confused, Oceàne! I don't understand!" I sobbed and threw my arms around the poor girl.

        "Hush, Madamoiselle," She scolded and combed her fingers through my hair consolingly "You will wake Vincent if you continue to sob so," she pressed a kiss into the crown of my head.

         We sat there in silence for a few moments "You heard our délibération in the hall, I presume?" I nodded and she smiled "You always were too curious for your own good."

        I frowned "I beg you not make such statements when I am not permitted to ask furthur questions."

         Oceàne laughed and shook her head "Non, Madamoiselle. I cannot speak to you of us. Of what we are. I am permitted-- at least by way of the fact that it was not brought up --to tell you of yourself." The grin she gave me was both mischievous and nostalgic "We were once in close to the exact same position, you know. The only difference being that you were the one comforting me after--" she trailed off "After my master tried to--" her voice broke and I knew it was my turn to console her.

        "Oh, Oceàne," I rubbed her back "You don't have to explain. I remember." I was startled by the truth of my words. I did remember. I remembered holding her in my arms as she sobbed about how she didn't understand why he had done what he had. I remembered brushing her hair just as she had mine, then I remembered something different all together. My hands closing around her master's short, porky throat, strangled sounds escaping him while I screamed of revenge for Oceàne.

        My breath caught in my throat and she gave a rye smile "Of course you do,"

        "When is he going to tell me?" My mind went immediately to Vincent. I don't want her to become a monster. Did he know I already was one?

        "If his thoughts and promises are to be believed he should be here in less than a minute." Her eyes sparkled and she grinned "I will see myself out, Madamoiselle."

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