À Nouveau Ensemble

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I ran for hours. Not stopping until I hit the ocean. Of which ocean I was not sure, but that mattered not to me. I raced into the water until it was over my head, ignoring the sting of the salt in my eyes. I scrubbed my skin with my hands, trying to rid myself of the scent of Kieran, trying to rid myself of the thoughts of Vincent. Suddenly the skin of my neck was on fire, and I looked down to see a fiery glow emanating from the roses of Vincent's mark.

No, no , no! My mind screeched. I want to get away from this! Why can I not escape this tragic triangle? No one was happy, no one would be. I just wanted to escape once and for all!

I suddenly realized that I felt no sting, no need for air. My lungs should be burning from a lack of air but instead I found myself not even needing to breathe.

I looked down at the glow which steadily continued and suddenly I felt a pair of limbs wrap around my waist. I thrashed against the unknown body behind me, but my resistance proved futile and I found myself being dragged to shore.

I cried out as I was finally yanked out of the water and and came face to face with Vincent's strong, worried features "Damn you, you headstrong, stupid woman." He growled and before I knew it his lips were on mine, pressing against mine hungrily.

I pushed against his chest, pulling back from him and countered back "You persistent, ignorant man."

"Do you remember me now?" He asked, unphased, and grasped my waist.

"I remember quite a lot." I grumbled back indignantly "One of those things is you."

"Then why do you push me away so? Do you not love me as you claimed? Has Kieran wiped me from your heart with his transformation of your body?" He asked, hurt, looking at me with wounded violet eyes.

"I love you too much, Vincent!" I exclaimed "I love you both to much to choose to be fairly with one or the other!"

He tensed his jaw slightly but pulled me tight to him with hope in his eyes "But you must not choose now! I need you, Déesse, and I need you too fiercely to worry now of your feelings for another." His lips were on mine, molding agaisnt my own in a way that made my knees weak, but I pulled away again.

"I cannot do to you what I have done to Kieran, Vincent! I called out your name when he tried to make love to me. Yours! What if I called out his with you? I cannot bear to hurt you, or him any more."

I could see pride and jealousy warring on his features, but quickly one arose triumphant and his mouth turned up in a sly grin "So you remember us being together, do you, mon ange?" His head ducked and he sucked and nibbled on the sweet spot of my neck, making me buckle into him.

"Let us not do this now, Vincent." I beg halfheartedly and he smiles against my skin.

"Why not, ma beauté? It has already been so hard for me to ignore the state you're in right now, Déesse. Soaking wet, naked and ready for me. I'm sure you can feel what your body does to me." He pulled my hips against his own and I gasped at the sudden realization of what that persistent hardness was. The thought made me clench with need.

"Please, Vincent." I said breathlessly as he pulls my legs up around his waist, holding me up by my buttocks.

"Please what, mon cher? Please put you down? Please lay you out on the ground and make sweet, passionate love to you?" He teased, nibbling my collar bone and lifting me up higher so he could bring his mouth closer to the aching bud of one of my nipples.

"Vincent, please," I groaned softly at the ball of hot desire forming in the pit of my stomach at his words "Take me."

"As you wish, ma beauté." He said with a smirk.

A/N: ITS BEEN FOREVER. I'M SO SORRY OMG OMG OMG I'VE NEGLECTED ALL MY BOOKS SO MUCH BUT THIS ONE ESPECIALLY. I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't live up to expectations, but the next should definitely quench your thirsts if ya know what I mean -eyebrow waggle-. So she's reunited with Vincent, anyone thinking Déesse is more than a tad bit fickle?

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