A New Awakening

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I could not open my eyes. My lids felt like lead, and all I could do was gasp inwardly at the pain that stayed even when the pleasure was gone. The pain was everywhere. Every possible place I could ever or would ever feel, I felt pain. The worst part was that I could not even open my mouth to scream. Every part of my body was to heavy to move, so I just had to endure it. I heard a gentle voice, one that I knew I rocognized but I could not place, reassuring me. Comforting me. I could not concentrate on his soft lilt or deep resonance, all I could concentrate on was the pain. After what seemed like forever, the pain started to receed. My hands and feet felt normal again, and slowly I regained controll of my legs, my arms, my head. It finally faded to a dull throbbing in my chest, then it was gone completely. I revelled in the fact that I could breathe again, jerking up into a sitting position and gasping.

     "It is alright, Déesse. You are alright." The same voice repeated, and I opened my eyes, blinking quickly. My eyes seemed to focus on everything at once, and I found myself seeing every piece of everything. The voice had been coming from a man, a beautiful man. I found myself pasting on a flirtatious smile, before I realized I knew him. His violet eyes and blond hair were not new to me. In fact, they were very well known. All I remembered of him was frustration. Sadness. Love. All these emotions welled inside of me and I found myself terribly angry. I growled and sank into a crouch.

       He breathed in sharply and held up two hands in surrender "You do not remember me."

      "I remember feelings," I whispered "Angst and sadness and once, love. Joy. But mostly I feel frustration." I held my head "There are so many feelings!" I screeched "How can I deal with this?"

     I screamed and suddenly I was no longer me. I was an animal. And I was hungry. I sniffed the air, and upon finding a deliciously spicy-sweet scent, I took off in its direction to find it. My feet barely touched the ground, and I sailed over every obstacle with ease. I was practically flying, and I would have been giddy had the hungry beast inside of me not reared its ugly head. Branches whipped at my flesh, and it was then that I realized I was completely and utterly naked. My new mind did not express a care. I kept running untill I reached the outskirts of Paris, the seductively rich scent drawing me nearer and nearer to the homes around me. I ripped the nearest door off its hinges and entered the home with a low growl. A short little man sat at his table, and he looked up at me, his jaw going slack and his eyes going wide as saucers. He stood slowly, as if in a trance, and walked towards me. I sniffed, and, sure enough, he had the scent. The mouthwateringly delectable that had me struggling to stand still as he reached out and ran his hand down my side, lust clouding his eyes. I screeched, and I couldn't contain myself any longer, I pounced. My teeth sank into his jugular and I drank deeply, savoring the rich, delicious taste. I tossed him away in disgust when the blood no longer flowed and sniffed again. There were people upstairs. I felt a feral grin appear on my features and I turned  to a mirror, pulling back abruptly at the sight of me.

        My green eyes were wider and wilder than ever before, and decidedly prettier, as was the rest of my face. My body was no longer extreme angles, now it held voluptuous curves that I'd never imagined having. My already long black hair now went down nearly to my knees, and though I had just run through the forest, showed no evidence of it. It fell in soft waves down my back and around my face, tumbling down over my breasts. I felt an inexplicable sense of happiness before I was the animal again. I tore apart that home and every home within a day's ride on horseback, killing every human I came across. Finally my thirst was quenched. I found myself back in the forest, perched in a tree. The tears started to flow, as I realized how many people I had just killed. I had just drank. Nothing could bring them back. Their families were lost. Or their families lost them. I wished that I knew who my family was, but I could not remember anything but Him. His dark hair and pale eyes and manic smile. That was all I remembered clearly. I had snippets of memories. A man that I hated with questionable motives. A large château with a small blond girl that I envied. I grinned at that, if only she could see me now, she would be envious of me. My beauty now far surpassed hers. I then realized that the château may have been my home. I closed my eyes, trying to remember where it was, and suddenly I knew. I jumped down from my tree and followed my mind home.

Authors note: Yayy! Village massacres are always fun, right? Lol, thanks for reading if you happen to be! *mwah*

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