Un Baiser

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     I walked into the hall laughing with the domestique, I had found that her name was Oceane. She was a beautiful girl, chocolate skin and a smile like the sun. She released my arm when we entered sight of everyone "I must go," she said "I am not supposed to leave the eastern wing," she gave me a conspiratory smile and slipped into a servant stairwell.

      I turned and found myself face to face with Vincent, who was grinning like a madman "Déesse! My sweet Déesse," he picked me up off the ground and spun me around, and I stiffened as he put me down again.

     "Why am I here, your highness?" I asked him and searched his eyes for an unspoken answer.

      He sighed "I thought I explained this to you, mon ange. You are my compagnon, my soul mate. Now that I have found you I cannot let you go!" he smiled and spun me round again.

       I was very cynical, but you did not refuse a prince. Ever. I forced a laugh and embraced him when he set me down "I don't understand, your Grâce,"

      "Oh, do stop with the formal nonsense. I am Vincent, comprendre?" I nodded and my smile became real, but I still had worries in the pit of my stomach.

       "All right, Vincent," I said playfully and held out my hand.

      He took my arm, smiling and we walked towards the large table. The surface was covered in every fruit and pastry imaginable, I grabbed a small crepe and bit in, nearly moaning at the taste.

       "It is so good!" I exclaimed and he smiled broadly at me, pulling out a chair for me to sit in. The whole time while I sat there trying every delicacy that was there he just sat there, watching me with a bemused expression.

      "Are you not going to eat?" I asked-- forgetting manners --with a mouthful of croissant.

       He chuckled and shook his head "No, I will not be eating. I simply came with the hope of talking to you,"

       I swallowed and put the rest of the flaky bread back on my plate, dabbing my mouth with a napkin "Oh really? What could you possibly want to talk to me about?"


      "Excusez-moi?" I asked and he took my hand in his.

      "Is it only natural that I would want to know the truth about mon bel ange?" His eyes sparkled and his lips quirked up in a semblance of a smile.

       "What all do you want to know?" I ducked my head an infinitisemally small distance and looked at him through my lashes bashfully.

       "Interests of yours, what your family is like. Anything you'd like to tell me." He looked genuinly interested.

       "I play a few instruments." I looked down at my plate "I love music, whether it be singing, piano, violoncelle, viola. Some would say that music is my raison de vivre, my passion."

         I took a deep, careful breath "My family is not one of which to speak. My père died when I was an enfant. My mère was taken by madness years ago. All that's left of my family is my bastard brother, the result of a tryst of père's shortly before he was gone." I heard malice lace my voice as I finished, but a contradicting tear slipped down my cheek.

      "Hush now, mon ange. Do not cry." Vincent moved from his chair and held me close to him as I wept into his shoulder.

       "I'm so sorry," I whispered and pulled back, eyes wide "That was very improper of me, I shouldn't have --"

        Suddenly his lips were on mine and I was in his strong arms again. I gasped as a fiery passion swept through my body and vefore I knew what was happening, I was s'embrasser. His soft lips moved against my own and my body tingled with the heat that his touch brought me. As his lips left my own he ducked his head and bit the soft flesh of my neck "Monsiuer!" I gasped as his teeth pierced my flesh, sharper than any person's teeth should be. He pulled back and looked at me longingly before turning on his heel and exiting the room quickly, leaving me standing alone in the hall, gasping for air I couldn't seem to find.

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