Se Réveiller Au Paradis

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I awoke with a sharp pang in my chest and the feel of silken sheets on my back "You are finally awake, Mademioselle," I sat up to face a smiling young domestique.

      "Bon Seigneur! Where am I?" I screeched. Who is this strange domestique?

        The girl laughed like a peel of bells "You're in the palais of course!" She said it like it was the most ridiculous think in the world "Now, you must dress so you can get to breakfast, Mademioselle," I realized that was the first time in forever that someone had called me miss instead of Mrs. They always assumed I was engaged in some way. They were wrong, but she knew.

     "Wh-what do you mean, breakfast?"

     She laughed again "It is meal you have in the morning--"

     "I know what breakfast is!" I snapped at her and she laughed again.

       "I can see why mon seigneur likes you so much. You are very funny." She ushered me up from my cocoon in the duvet "He has spoken of nothing but you," she said absentmindedly as she pulled clothing from a mahogany bureau.

      "How long was I asleep?" I asked and pulled on the chemise she gave me, looking at the thin, off-shoulder straps questioningly.

       "Je ne suis pas sûr, I believe around a day." She said and wrapped a whale-bone corset around my torso, lacing it tighter than Anne ever did.

       "A day!" I exclaimed "My brother must be worried sick!"

       She made a face "The Marquise Illégitime was informed. He seemed rather overjoyed by the predicament, in fact."

     The bastard thought he would be a duc. My nose wrinkled at the thought "Why am I here?" I asked as she slipped a petticoat over my head and laced my gown.

      I blushed when I saw how low the court gown dipped in the back, exposing inches of my pale shoulders and spine "You are Prince Vincent's compagnon, are you not?" she asked and guided me to sit on the vanity chair.

      "We have only just met!" I exclaimed in outrage and felt my face go even redder.

       She gave me a sly look "With his majesty and you, that is enough," she pulled a small brush through my hair and used her dainty fingers to braid some of my hair in a type of crown around my forehead and let the rest tumble down my back "He likes mademioselle to be un peu sauvage," she gave me a wink at my scandalous look and snapped her fingers "He wanted me to give you this," she pulled a small silk pouch out of her apron pocket, and handed it to me.

      When I emptied its contents into my hand I let out a soft gasp. I held a large emerald the size of a chocolate cut into a beautiful hectagon on a thin silver chain. "It's beautiful," I whispered and the domestique chuckled, taking it from my hand and fastening it around my neck. It rested perfectly in the hollow between my collar bones.

      "May I escort you to breakfast, Mademioselle?" I took the domestique's hand with a smile and we walked down the corridor towrds what I assumed was the banquet hall.  

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