Chapter 11

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"I can't believe it." 

Jack mumbled. I nodded my head, "You didn't do all that, did you?" I asked Jack sadly. He shook his head quickly. "No, I would never do such a thing, I want to protect you Nova." He said to me. I don't know why, but I instantly believed him. "Then what was with Matt?" I asked. Jack shrugged and said, "Maybe its time to find out." We walked out of the room to see Matt, cleaning up the spot where Meg's body used to be. 

"Matt, we have to talk." Jack said sternly, walking angrily towards Matt. "Woah, hang on for a second." Matt said calmly, as if he didn't know what was going on. "What did you tell Nova?" Jack asked, clenching his fists. 


I yelled, shocking both of the boys. "Stop, let's not resort to violence, please." I said, looking directly at Jack. He relaxed and backed up. I looked at Matt and said, "You lied to me, why?" Matt smiled and nodded his head, and four guys grabbed Jack and I, one man per arm. "What the-" Jack said, before a syringe was jabbed into his neck, then I felt a sharp pain in my neck as a syringe was jabbed into my neck as well. 

Both of us dropped to the floor, weak. I wasn't unconscious, but my body went limp, like I couldn't move as they tied my hands behind my back, tied my ankles together, then did the same to Jack. Matt shook his head and laughed. "Nova, Nova, Nova. I thought you were smarter than this." He said and patted my head. Jack opened his mouth to say something, but before a word could slip from his mouth, 3 strips of tape were placed over his mouth, then the same was done to me. 

I looked up at Matt, dumbfounded. He looked at me and said, "We injected a sort of... antidote for your powers. You got an anti-mind reading, and this loser..." he then pointed to Jack. "Gets anti-strength." Matt said and laughed, as if he was telling a joke. Jack then fell unconscious, and a few seconds later, so did I. 

While I was out, I had another dream.

I was older, maybe 10. My mom and dad were fighting about something. I was in my room, so I walked down the stairs to hear them. "Nathanyl! How dare you even think about experimenting on our little girl?" I heard, it was my mom, I just knew it. 

"April, this is to keep her safe. I would never try to harm her, just a few more tests." I heard my dad say calmly. My mom then yelled, "We are leaving, I will not let you perform tests and experiments on November." I guess my dad didn't want that. "I won't let you leave with her, April." My dad said angrily. I then heard a slam, a gasp, and... somebody choking? 

I ran down the stairs and saw the most horrendous sight of my life, my dad was on top of my mom, with his hands around her throat. My mom tried to get him off of her, but he was too strong. After about 2 minutes, my mom stopped fighting, she went limp. My dad then stood up and looked at me. I started crying...

Then I woke up

*End of Chapter 11**

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