Chapter 13

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"Grab them!" 

"Stop them!" 

"They're getting away!"

These words rang through the hallways as we sprinted through the lab. It didn't take long for Jack and I to find the exit. We were about to open the door, when the both of us were knocked unconscious. 

I had another memory while I was out. I was with my mom, and we were hiding. "Why are we hiding from daddy, mom?" I asked. My mom shushed me and whispered, "Nova, daddy wants to see your second power, but we have to keep it a secret, okay?" I nodded my head. "Why?" I asked quietly. "Daddy wants to use it for bad, not good." My mom said. I nodded and then asked her, "How did I get my powers?" my mom looked at me, worried. 

Suddenly, I woke up. 

I was on a table with one of those hospital gowns on and there were a ton of tubes attached to me. I sat up and instantly saw Matt standing in the doorway. "Hello, sleeping beauty. How was your little nap?" He laughed. This was like a whole new Matt, he went from being shy and mysterious, to just, overjoyed and cocky. 

"What's your problem?" I asked Matt. Matt walked closer to me, until we were inches apart, his face went serious. "What's wrong Nova? I thought you liked me." He smirked. I was suddenly speechless as he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. I felt like I couldn't move, like I didn't want to move. As Matt leaned his head closer to me, I remembered Jack, I remembered our kiss, I remembered what Matt did, I remembered Meg, I remembered the ability nobody knew that I had. 

Matt flew backwards, crashing into a rack of empty test tubes. I pulled off the tubes hooked up to me, grabbed a needle, ran over to Matt, and held it up to his throat. "Where is Jack?" I barked. Matt's eyes widened. "Nova, don't." he pleaded. "Where is he?!" I yelled and pushed the needle to the point of almost breaking skin. "I hope you know how just a little bubble of air in the bloodstream can kill just as easy as a knife, where is he?" I asked quietly. "Down the hall, first left, room 109." Matt said, I've never seen him so afraid. "Thank you." I smiled and ran out of the room. 

I took the first left and burst into room 109. The room was dark with nothing but a small light hanging from the roof, a dark figure, and Jack, tied to a chair. "What is her second ability?" a familiar voice shouted to Jack as the dark figure punched him in the stomach. "I don't know, okay?" Jack groaned. "Tell me, and this will all be over." The figure said. 

"Stop it!" I blurted out. 

The figure, otherwise known as my dad, turned around. His eyes widened. "Nova." My dad whispered. The next thing I knew, my dad's arms were wrapped around me. It was comforting, but I had an uneasy feeling. He pulled away and said, "It's so good to see my baby girl again." He smiled. I walked past my dad and untied Jack. "Are you alright?" I asked him. Jack moaned in reply. I glared at my dad, who merely shrugged. I shut my eyes, placed my hand on Jack's stomach, and focused. I imagined the energy in my body transferring to his injured stomach. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and removed my hand. 

Jack stood up and asked, "Are you alright?" I felt a little light headed, but I told him I felt fine, to avoid concern. I then turned to my dad, who was just standing there in shock. "Nova, we have to get out of here." Jack whispered. I nodded, when suddenly, my dad opened the door and called for help. He then ran out of the room and locked the door. 

Jack pulled me into a hug and I buried my head in his chest. "There really is no way out." I said quietly, on the brink of tears. "No, there is, it'll be okay, we will get out of here." He said confidently. I wanted to believe him so badly, but I just couldn't. Jack pulled away and lifted my chin. 

"I won't let them experiment on you. I won't let them hurt you. I won't let them take you again." He said sympathetically. I pulled away, my sadness turned serious. 

"I know what my second ability is, it can help us escape."

*End of Chapter 13***

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