Introduce yourself as a character of your choice.

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My name is Sophie-Démelse and I am 20 years old. I live in Paris with my grandfather, my aunt and my older brother Marius who's 22. We live in a well-furnished house on Rue Des Affluents, near the café Musain where my brother and I are often found.

"Fill me up!!" Grantaire's voice echoed around the room. He was already clamouring for his fourth pint of the night. The Amis and I were clustered around our favourite table, catching up on the past week.

"Really, 'Taire?" Combeferre questioned. Being the most sensible, Combeferre often 'fathered' the rest of us. 'Taire just nodded and grinned.

"Yes. I nominate Sophie to get the drinks!"

"Do I have to?" I looked up, twirling my quill in my hand from the letter I'd been writing to Jehan (as he'd been away for a while). Ink drops fell over the table as Joly looked over disapprovingly.

"Stop that, you're wasting ink."

"Oh lighten up! Just let her do what she likes; as long as that is to get the drinks." Combeferre smiled at me and squeezed my hand. I returned his smile and walked off to get the drinks.

Three hours later, everyone decided it was time to leave. Marius hung back to wait for me.

"Ready to go home Sophie-Démelse?" My older brother asked.

"Care to join me back at my place, my love?" Combeferre appeared by side.

Marius looked at me disapprovingly whilst shaking his head.

"Please Marius, let me go with Combeferre?" I wheedled.

"I'm not going to do anything to your sister. You can trust me." Marius sighed. It was not hard to see what he was thinking. 'Ferre and I clasped hands and pulled puppy-eyes at him.

"Fine. But if you do ANYTHING to her..." He trailed off. Combeferre nodded, then wrapped his arm around me. I smiled at Marius and bade him goodnight.

We walked together into the still night. The moon was bright in the cloudless sky as we drew near Combeferre's house. He unlocked the door and we scampered inside, eager to shut out the cold.

"I need to finish my letter. I'll see you upstairs in a few minutes. You go get ready." I kissed his cheek.

"Don't take too long." He smirked and made his way to the bedroom.

'With love,


I signed my letter and put it into an envelope. I addressed this and left it on the table.

"Coming, my love?" Combeferre called, light streaming out of the door. I blew out the candle before heading into his bedroom. Changing into my nightclothes, I climbed into his bed and allowed myself to be cradled in his strong arms.

"Goodnight ma chérie."

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