A scene about Jehan

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hehehehehehehe.... Jehan is one of my favourite amis (after Combeferre, Joly, Grantaire and Marius). This should be fun.

Jehan was sitting at a table tucked away into the far corner of the Musain with Grantaire, who was eagerly listening about Jehan's recent trip to England. Normally when people where having conversations with 'Taire, he'd only occasionally nod or mumble something under his breath. Tonight he was really getting involved in what Jehan was saying, asking questions and whatnot.

''And the poetry is amazing! So flowing and.... It was... THERE ARE NO WORDS!'' Jehan spluttered, his smile bordering on ten miles wide. Grantaire grinned back at him,

''Did you write anything good?''

''Well, I wouldn't call it good, but I wrote several poems about a lot of things: England, us, peace, being alone, death, life.'' Jehan was always modest about his work, but it was normally incredible.

''Can I hear one?'' Grantaire questioned. ''Please?'' He hastily added. Jehan gulped. Some of his work was private, and he didn't want one of his closest friends thinking he was stupid.

''Fine.'' Jehan said after a few minutes hesitation. ''I'll read you the one about peace.'' He unfolded a scruffy piece of paper from his pocket.

''Ahem'' He cleared his throat.

''Listen everybody! Jehan's got a poem for all of us!'' Grantaire yelled across the din. Almost immediately, the place fell silent.

''Grantaire'' Jehan hissed. ''What are you doing? I can't read it to everyone.''

''Yes you can. Don't be a limp cloth. Do it!'' Jehan was taken by surprise at 'Taire's sudden voice.

''Alright, I'll read it out.'' He took a deep breath and then stood up.

When peace came,

I showered under streaming light

- Silent, settling -

Effectuating over all -

The reassurance drunk

From Mother Nature's breast.

And rays channelled through

The greys of ancient gloom

That paste the hopelessness of

Dying on the battlefield or

The losing out upon a risk

In love; Byes to precious life

Or failure:

Crashed careers; bleak depression,

The fallen - ruined, spurned -

Covered in veneers of rasping blight.

When peace came, a gate begged

A gentle path inviting me to

Stroll through verdant fields of spring,

Bristling with a bouncing life

Of colour; flowers cheering to

The air ‘We have a chance in nature! '

When peace came, my addled head was

Reconciling, airing, ringing true -

The sense of crushing pressure dead;

Instead, I flamed a faith anew!

When peace came, I saw our youth

Inside a multicultural womb; our

Death was pointing to a proud

And glorious tomb engraved with words of

Freedom for the soul that was when

Once a body whence it thrived.

When peace came, there happened you -

A fragrance dancing ‘against a new and

Frightened innocence of beauty

- Eyes ready; slender arms of care -

A tender skin to be caressed.

And we were blessed by starting fresh

In rhythms of pervading warmth;


The room was alive with clapping and cheering. People were standing up to applaud him. He could not believe what he was hearing. Was this really for his work?

''Grantaire was standing beside him now, arm clamped around his neck.

''How did you write that? It was genius!'' Jehan smiled at this comment.

''You really think it was good?''

''I really do, it..'' Grantaire was cut off by a surge of people coming forwards to congratulate Jehan.

''Well done!''


''Sublime!'' were only a few of the comments that 'Taire was able to make out.

Jehan stood by the table just grinning. He was so overwhelmed by everyone's enthusiasm towards his poem. When he saw the amis walk over with Eponine and Sophie, his face split in two. All of his friends heard his poem, and judging from the looks on their faces, they liked it.

''Did you like it? Was it too long? Were the words decent?'' Jehan was bounding up and down now, like an excitable puppy. Everyone laughed and encircled him in a hug.

''It was superb Jehan.'' Lesgle said and the rest nodded in agreement.

''You're officially forgiven from asking Enjolras about his revolution speech!'' Someone in the huddle stated and Jehan sighed happily. He wished this moment could last forever.

Hope you enjoyed it... The poem's awful, but I is not a poet.. innit?



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